here we are again
after some month
and lets see whats hapen......NOTHI
okay lets talk about it
today i play wana play like evry day my viedeo games with my friends and talk with them soooo we juse skype
i never had any problem with skype and now skype is telling your "your email not exist bla bla bla its your falt your loged out
(i never log my out ) bla bla bla sorry for that try again tomorow ............................................. bye"
Pepsi Man the world's greatest NONE Super Hero
His NONE Superpower is: Beating obstacle courses, get followed by Props, Surfing in Pepsi factories, Give people Pepsi and my favorite NONE Superpower: DAMM DAMMM DAMMMMM 0-o Drinking Pepsi at burning places XD
YES this is Pepsi Man he is Super cool
Download link => : oops there is no link uhhhhhh
Pepsi for Pizza
The first post about Renard was a little missle? THE BUCK? . Yes it was.
So, lets get it on the right hoof?.
Let's start it better than last time.
First my favorite song: Sinisterrrrrrrr.
And now; some more music for Bronies
Rainbow Dash Likes Girls
Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder
Now we can see
Have you ever watched this awesome show?
It's called My Little Pony.
This show is legen... wait for it... dary. Legendary!
It's about a bunch of Ponies doing friendship stuff.
Someone should seriously make this show more famous and maybe created forums about it or something.
This would be so awesome.
few things do in the internet after my life gets boring
<---- pic of some fat guy
*talk with my dude
*shake my head strange
*aks people what they smoke
*be bored
*try to get diabetis
*draw some pics
*watch videos on youtube
Guys guys just read it okay
it is for me the best SCP ever ist like an ...... (dont finde the word cause missing english lissen or somthing like that)
yeah ist just cool and secret and cool did i say secret?
just read it
i have no idea what to post with my bad english
there it is a new Dota update
they get now finally phoenix and Terroblade for Chineas new year or somthink like that
so i play it and first game epicnes
over 1 houre my dudes just nooblike get no kills and i must save the day
and in the last sekend we just finally win when evry hero where lvl 25 and full equipt
just a "holly shit" moment yeah and the sekond game was just worst ... yes ....... yes it happend lik
look a her she is my 3.rd OC
her name is Ember and why? cuz she like to make some fire right in your home
she is the evil right in my hearth and my first female OC
i am so proude
you can show me your OC when you want
Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air
In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my m
i work just a little and i made finaly my new 2.nd OC
Red Stripe
i realy dont know why but ................................................................ ok i post it Figure A: Still frame taken from video footage of Exploration I
Item #: SCP-087
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-087 is located on the campus of [REDACTED]. The doorway leading to SCP-087 is constructed of reinforced steel with an electro-release lock mechanism. It has been disguised to resemble a janitorial closet consistent with the design of the building. The lock mechanism on the doorknob will not release unless ██ volts are app
come on phone why??? WHY???!!!!
my phone just dosent do what i want and thats why i cant poste what i want
SOOOOOOO i dont know why i hearing some music frome reanard meanwhile i download the alpha of DayZ and w8 4 Puzzels
and at one moment i think cool music and here we are the point of the story where i post links
Item #: SCP-096
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video surveillance or optical tools of any kind inside SCP-096's cell. Security personnel will use pre-installed pressure sensors and laser detectors to ensure SCP-096's presence inside the cell.
Any and all photos, video, or recordings of SCP-096's li
Item #: SCP-173
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Item SCP-173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. When personnel must enter SCP-173's container, no fewer than 3 may enter at any time and the door is to be relocked behind them. At all times, two persons must maintain direct eye contact with SCP-173 until all personnel have vacated and relocked the container.
Description: Moved to Site-19 1993. Origin is as of yet unknown. It is constructed from concrete and re
ther it come
a painful day -------------------------- CHRISTMAS---------------------------------------omg i hate you so much
eeeehhhhhhwwwwww why why WHY
why did that day exists i mean what that for a day?
you get a prasent some cake and cookis and that glowing stuff in your room
and then there are some trees you never want in your home some people bell on your door and want mony for songs
and you must throw your mony away for some stuff that your familie never want
guys i am not realy sure but i think have a wifu
i mean look at her she is beautiful
and maybe sexy
yes guys thats it
and i want know if you have a wifu too
thanks for reading