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What's new.

Recently I been working allot with my editing skill in adobe flash. Beside's that am been this latest weak interdoused to few new people here on the forum that i have become friend's with. One of this begin Scarlet. I wonderful person, just have few life problems. But how doesn't have dos more our less. And i have my hope's for her that everything turn's out alright.   For my flash study's. I been like possession this few days just mocking abut in that program. Just trying figure out the rope

Sig Hoovestrong

Sig Hoovestrong

Thank you all. :)

To day I just wanted to say, that all you friends and contacts I have here on the forum. That this stallion love's you all. I think been like one and half year sens I join this forum and community. And I say it's been time well spent. I forge new friendship with people I would most likely never meet, if i didn't come on this forum. And hope you all been enjoying my company and chating/pm. Cause I been enjoying talking with you all.   And sens I came here, i feel. I have not only grown as a bro

Sig Hoovestrong

Sig Hoovestrong

My news

Well, lately thought abut further has been heavily on my mind. Even so that maby forgot the her and now. But I think it all going sort out in the end. On matter of new's. My art works are making slow steady progress. And i even got bit further in my flash study's, however have nothing show for it. I basically just learn how use some tools in it to paint pretty picture and still don't know half of the program. But am learning, i hope one day that i will be able make something.   On side of me

Sig Hoovestrong

Sig Hoovestrong

Artwork and Youtube news

Well thought would tell you abut some news. Abut my YT channel and my DArt.   Finely counted on with my little seires The MLP Forum Experience. Me just reading our loud random forum post i picked with different kind voice, our at lest i try.     And got done with funny comic staring Rainbow Dash and Rarity.      

Sig Hoovestrong

Sig Hoovestrong

What been doing.

Well lets write blog, And talk little what been doing. I have been working on few projact's like two videos and some picture's any fallow my daviantart probably know wise pictures am working on. And at other new got raesntly invited to and other skype group do podcast's. Meet some people there, some are nice, and other's are well... Questionable.... Any how i head good time with them. And am quit happy. And here at the moment drinking a cup tea, and just chilling.   I was thinking trying do m

Sig Hoovestrong

Sig Hoovestrong

My youtube news.

Well here let's installment of my little youtube series.       If want to peace comment and like our dislike the video's.

Sig Hoovestrong

Sig Hoovestrong

New porsanal OC picture.

There we go, now have have my own jousting armor. https://soundcloud.com/sig-hoovestrong/well-hunt-you-down-remix?in=sig-hoovestrong/sets/sig-playlist

Sig Hoovestrong

Sig Hoovestrong

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