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Entries in this blog

Week end plans and My new blog detils!

Entry 29     Hi everyone entry time today is Friday and another week end is upon is i hope everyone enjoys it new mlp episode and some extra free time id say thats great for me My plans over the weekend are to play alot of dark souls watch the new episode and chat with friends on here     So my new blog this blog may have to come sooner then dark souls 2. Now it wont replace this blog not by a long shot but it will help for the nights i have nothing to say on the daily recap. The w



Mid terms and another bonfire chat

Entry 28       Well first day of mid terms not as bad as i thought although the easier ones where today and the harder ones are tomorrow. Anyways the main thing i did when i got home was talk when bence and Jackson.     Bence and me had another one of are little bonfire type chats where we just talked about dark souls With this dark souls 2 getting closer then ever hype builds much news and other video content about dark souls 2 has surfaced i wont spoil here but if you want to kn



Bonfire chats with bence and why there will be 2 entrys on the 21st!

Entry 27     Today was about normal played dark souls and chated with bence and Jackson and some others the day was long tho i was very tired and i will be tired till im done typing this so me and bence talked about dark souls and a bit about the upcoming Dark souls 2 we are both very happy for when it comes out we just have to wait     In other news it seems that tomorrow is another day off for me yea I will probable have another chill day I plan to get through dark souls quick i



Return to Home!

Entry   Return to home!     Its been a long time everyone but im back to doing this blog hopefully i will still have some readers i am very sorry for the lack of entry's but i have been on a very big journey many things have happened and i have met many friends and grow stronger because of the new bounds i have made a how the older bounds have only gotten stronger!   So to summarize i have made a couple new friends 1 rainbowdash465 aka Jackson 2sir hugaholic aka Adrian i



A test for sombratwi

ok guys this is kinda of a test and not a entry but new entry tonight i promise you see i am writeing a story for som and i am makeing piturer in paint so i need to see if by useing them as the entry piture they will get a url so i can post them in chat!



Final Entry For A While

Entry 25       I'm doing better then i was a couple of days ago now i relay have to say sorry for the lack of entry,s of late a lot of stuff has happened but don't worry sombratwi and aniki have helped me through it like they always do and sombratwi was not feeling that good last night so i helped him best i could so the main point of this entry is to sadly say there will not be any entry,s for a while so only days where something big happens or i do a review there will be a entry i ju



Vaction Starts Tonight

Entry 24     I am so hyped for this vacation so much fun will be had at home and on the forums with sombratwi,aniki,justanotherbrony and venomtrixe and it,s thanks giving this week that is what the vacation is for after all and im sure the day that is i know what i will be thankful for and i will say it on this blog       So my schedule for the vacation is simple wake up play video games and watch videos till sombratwi gets home from school and talk with him and talk with



Theory Crafting in the Chat! And SombraTwi to the Resuce!

Entry 23         Hi everypony it dinomaster626 here for today's entry and today was great i woke up early at 6;45 am to talk with sombratwi in his time zone it was 12;45 because hes 6 hrs ahead so we started theory crafting about the box from the end of episode we thought of many theory and predictions of how the season will turn out fun times. Also we did some lets watch,s of head cannon vidoes aswell as reaction videos. As the day went on we talked about other things lik



Season 4 Premiere Day!

Entry 22     Everypony it.s the end of the day 11;38 pm at night to be exact so today was the premiere of season 4 so what did i think well i thought it was great but beyond that i can,t say much not because i don't want to or cant think of anything but because i am going to review it latter i am going to review every episode before the next one airs and don't worry if i miss one for a emergency i will do it the next day But i will say that i am looking forward to the next epi



Special Season 4 Openier Blog Time Log!

Entry 21   Time Log     Hi everypony this entry is written the night before season 4 so i decided to do something special this blog is not being written all at once its a time log between now and when i go to sleep so when its all done the time and event,s will look like a log hope you all enjoy!       7;50 -7;55 talking to aniki     7;55-8;12 playing resistance 2 -ps3 in swamp area shooting big clawed chimera total predator rip offs. i am also listening to rap musi



Helping All Around!

Entry 20   Helping All Around!         Hi everyone sorry for no blog yesterday i was a bit down and had nothing to say but im better now an am excited for the best part of the week Friday afternoon thru Sunday the week end! And this Saturday is the season 4 premiere yes fellow brony,s the wait is over or at the time im typing this almost over. im so hyped for season 4 sure season 3 was my first full season but season will be my first season with brony friends im so glad it,s go




Entry 19       Time something that i could say so much on but it would be a waste of it to say to much. so to keep this short season 4 is 3 days away the difference in time zone,s is a bit stressful sometimes and i am so happy about thank,s giving break starting next Wednesday and ending Monday 5 days this will make the time zone better as i explained in a earlier entry.     In other new me and sombratwi will continue are asylum lets listen tomorrow re hearing it is giving me more cl



Shadow of The colossus Review

Entry 18 Shadow Of The Colossus Review     Intro Shadow of the colossus or SOTC for short is a action,adventure puzzle game for ps2 and has a collector edition on ps3. The game is very popular and well revived by critics and now its my turn to say what i think here we go.               Story   A man named wander and his trusty horse Agro journey to the forbidden land to save a woman from staying dead. they talk to a sprite named dormin who tell,s wan



Asylum Let,s Listen With Sombra Twi

Entry 17     Today i had a lot of fun i did a continuation of my asylum lets listen with sombratwi it was great now i cant say much because this story is to good to spoil. so if you are curios go to fimfiction.net to read it or youtube for the audio version of the fiction.     so what i can say more about is some info today i will teach about is how fossils are made in 5 steps. step 1 a animal dies near a body of water step 2 the animal body is covered in sediment step 3 over millio



5 min Doctor vist and Asylum fan fic lets Listen with SombraTwi! Plus sombratwi,s Gift

Entry 16     Today was fun in many ways despite a doctors visit for a flew shot i guess it started to be good when the doctors visit was over witch was quick because it was like a Assembly line to get a shot you walk in then you where out anyways when i got home sombratwi had finished his gift witch was a signature for me that you can see if you read the comment below this blog i will leave just for that purpose i love the fact that the signature captures the fact of what i said in entry



Chat and more Chat did i say Chat already and my OC

Entry 15       So today was Friday yes. im looking forward to another great weekend here with my friends! in other news as you can see by today's entry pic i made my own OC i call him Saurus Pony i made it using the pony editor. i hope it dosent look to bad i tried my best to make it look good! i wont be here all day because i have to go to the doctors tomorrow don't worry nothing serious just a flew shot but i hate needles they scare me im needle phobic mostly iv phobic but i will try



Vunerability And Recovery!

Entry 14     Today was a very hard day for me. it was going great not much school work watched movies in 2 class easy day then 8th period came and something sad happened now i cant say it here but know that im fine just emotionally sad for a bit the most i can say is a made a dissension it was a good dissension but experiencing the fallout of it is sad or bittersweet is the most positive i can be about it but mostly sad and im sorry for not giving you much to work with but unless i know



Fun In The Chat

entry 13 today was fun i chated with sombra and aniki we did lets watches of videos. i am so happy for the weekend coming up it should be fun to have more time to be on the forums compared to a school week! Season 4 draws closer its the 13th we are getting there its gonna be great to have new episodes.   As for me i am doing well playing video games being on the forums going to school all around good schedule for now i hope to have many things to do when season 4 arrives. as for my health i am



School filed trip and hype for Season 4

entry 12   Today i went to a filed trip to a mussem it was fun i got to meet the guy who made the place that was cool. So season 4 is allmost here less then 3 weeks so the hype rise,s there has been some clips shown on EQD that i have seen it looks good bt i wont spoil here.   there is not much that happend today but to make up for that i can share some info dinosaur info that is consider it y way to fill blog space for you readers if nothing or not alot eventful happens. so today i can tea



Alien planet lets watch with SombraTwi

entry 11   Today i was at home beacuse today was a day off from school. so as stated in the last entry me and sombratwi watched the documantry/drama Alien planet in chat. We each kept a extra tab open so that we could comment as it went on. Now i have seen this manny times but i wanted to share it with sombratwi im glad he enjoyed it as much as he did he commented all the way through it in the chat it was a fun time. If anywon wants to see it has many copys on youtube but make sure to pick th



Chill day today tomrrow movie chat room

entry 10 wanted this to be special if i did a blog thursaday today would be the review but no problems happend that day. but its okay things are great now so today well not much happend it was a chill day when to see the movie Enders Game in the therter it was great i read the book 2-3 summers ago for school reading.     So me and sombra chated again that was fun as allways so we tried to think of something new to do so i propossed to watch the documantry/story alien planet tommrow with him b



Frist Movie Review Life Of Pie

Ok entry 9 Review       Movie Review Life Of Pie       Rules of review       1at least one positive point must be given     and atlest one negative point must be given       2 If a point is nitpicking must say so.     3 Rateing must be given 4 if spoilers are used use a spoiler tag     Story a grown man named pie tells a journalist about his life starting at his kid years up to his journey at sea with a bengal tiger called



Friendship Circle!

Entry 8 what can i say that i have not allready said aniki and sombra have helped my life get better! but today it was full circle! sombratwi was haveing a bad time so i returned his compasstion by trying to help him he told me his own secret of survile and just like mine i cant say it here but what i can say is i did not do this alone aniki came to the rescuebecause to be onist i was sad to lets just say even tho me and sombra have a difrient secret today we had a simaler problem and the 3 of u



Of Pterosaurs and Reviews

So its entry 7 and alot is about to happen as season 4 gets closer.   Today i was a teacher again to sombratwi and aniki. Today i told them about subjects such as dinosaurs and the island affect but the most important was when i told them about Pteorsaurus which are a group of flying reptials that are not related to dinosaurs but lived at the same time! The image for this entry is a group of different species of Pterosaurs. So it was great to get to do that again it makes me happy to share my




Today is entry 6 and today was a big day for me becuse i put my friendship to the test of time and chose to tell a secret i have had for 5 years now it was important sorry cant say it here just know it was something very hard to tell but once again sombratwi and aniki were there and to day they took a burden of me i have had for 5 years so they are my HEROS! i am so thankfull to have friends as understanding as them. and the fact i have only know them about a week shows they have great values! s



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