ok entry 5 today was monday and was school so there is not much i can talk about i guess i could say i like school because i like learning but not more to say on that but in order to learn you have to have a teacher and today i became one....... sort of so i was talking to armchiar advantuer witch again i call sombratwi so he looked at the last entry of my blog and i looked at the frist entry of his a review of a clock work orange it was great and i suggest you check it out! so shortly after tha
So my 4th entry to this blog or summary of the day so i am so glad my friends enjoyed the last entry i made for them. but shortly after i caved and was not feeling to good and revealed my medical past lucky my Fourm friend where there again to make things better glad to get that kind of thing off my chest!
in more positve news i sometimes read mlp fanfics i am looking foward to the next chapter of the storys asylum and intergration. and intergration looks like it may end soon when either of
so its the 3rd enrty surprised i made it this far but with support i did and support is what im here to talk about ive made a cuople friends on this forum and theres 2 i want to talk about frist Aniki this guy is asome he is kind smart and funny he gave me somewon to talk to and offerd to help me with things
then the user justanotherbrony was not feeling well i wont go into specifics here on his behalf but me and Aniki made him feel better. Then theres armchiar adventurer i call him sombratwi f
Well its enrty time and today is friday so that means no school till monday so i will be on the forums more on weekends then week days.
with that out of the way i guess i shuld talk about the upcoming game darksouls 2 its a RPG type game with a large amount of difficulty it comes out march 2014 so happy.
For anywon intrested in darksouls 2 or videogames in genral im always ready to chat
So thats it for now bye
So this is my frist blog ever... so today is halloween it was fun it was my last time trick or treating.
so i guess if anywon has any q,s for me i can anwser theme here. also i love to play video games and learn about dinosaurus so if you have any q,s about the topics i would enjoy awsering theam
well i guess thats it for now bye