I love to laugh. Having a sense of humor is key to making the most out of life, and it's good to be able to laugh at yourself. However, I feel there's a clear line in the sand between clever, thought-out comedy and unfunny, witless bullying.
When I see people making crass jokes about racial minorities, women, LGBT people, or the disabled, I make a point to call them out on it. They may have the freedom of speech to joke about whoever they please, and I defend their legal right to say what th
While I love all the characters on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, my absolute favorite is Rarity. I find her to be the most believable and dynamic of the cast, and have really enjoyed watching her character develop over the course of the series. Rarity's a great character, and perfectly embodies her element: Generosity.
However, a small but vocal minority of fans insist that Rarity doesn't live up to her element, and for them I've made this list. Let's begin, shall we?
Friendship i