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About this blog

Just my random thoughts about random subjects.

Entries in this blog

Gigabit =/= Gigabyte

Welcome to Otter Tech 101! Have a seat, please.   I've seen a lot of misconceptions about gigabit internet, Google Fiber in particular. People mistakenly believe that with Google Fiber, they'll be getting download speeds of up to a gigabyte per second. Unfortunately, that's not true.   A byte is a unit of computer memory constructed of eight bits. (What's a bit, you may ask? Who cares, that's not important right now.) One byte equals eight bits, one kilobyte equals eight kilobits (or 8000




I'm sure to some people, the following piece is nothing but a description of over-dramatic teenage romance, but I don't care. This is what love means to me.   What is love?   Love is a warm summer breeze coursing through me. Love is an inescapable infatuation. Love is my heart beating faster at the very thought of his name. Love is a vibrating cell phone. Love is unabashed acceptance. Love is awkward Skype calls. Love is heartfelt teary 2 am texts. Love is hope through the pain.   T




Hello. I haven't made a blog, or really done any sort of posting, on this forum for a while. So why am I making this one? I don't know. I guess I just wanted to say hi.   So...   Hi.




If I left tonight What legacy would I leave Nothing but a family of bigots And a worthless username I have nothing I am nothing I will return to nothing



Why I Prefer Anime Over American Television

I'm probably going to get called a racist here, but whatever.   I enjoy anime far more than almost any American television show or movie (with the exception of Malcolm in the Middle). There's a few reasons that I feel this way.   1. Anime is made for a more intelligent audience: I'm not hating on America, but it's a fact that the United States has a lower average IQ than Japan. It's not that much of a difference, with America clocking in at around 98 on average and Japan's average around 106



Words on a Page, Dust in the Wind

I hate you. So why can’t I get away from you? I’m stuck with you. Why must you torture me? I have to sit and suffer through all the stupid things you say. Why can’t you just go? Your awful words chase me. Why won’t you leave me alone? You just won’t stop. What made you this way? I never want to see you again. Why do you do such horrible things? You’re a monster.   I hate you. So why can’t I get away from you? Oh, right. Because you’re me.



So... Funny Story...

lel Chigens told me to make this blog roflroflroflrofl   Right... well, I guess it's not really a story... just kinda something that I wanted to say...   Erm... stuff like this is always embarrassing for me. I am... uh... I'm a therian. If you don't know, that means I feel that I share a special connection with a certain animal, a cat, in my case. (I'm a black and white-splotched american shorthair cat, if you really want to be specific... :v) I can even have what they call "mental shifts",



Oh Look, Another Livestream...

Yeah, I know, I said I was supposed to do these weekly, but stuff has come up the past few weeks. However, tonight, I'll finally actually do one.   It will start at 9:30 PM MST. (In other words, in about an hour.) I'll be playing Guns of Icarus Online, and maybe Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.   So... yeah. That's a thing... that's happening... you can come watch... if you want...   The URL (Thanks to Level3rd for reminding me) is www.twitch.tv/HylianMadness.



Something for Chigens

I can’t imagine living in A world without you here. A world where I was all alone Without your assistance near.   You’re the one I always turn to When a day is going bad, When I need a bit of good advice Or someone to make me glad.   Your wacky sense of humor Always makes me laugh. You can turn my frowns right upside-down And cut my bad moods in half.   You’re the only friend who sticks with me Through



Whispers of Winter

The cold of winter   Pierces like splinter   Chilling you down to the bone       The snowflakes are falling   With the Gray Jays calling   Singing their sweet sullen tone       The wind in the trees   Icy and free   The monotone lands all around       The stillness and calm   As the days carry on   Not a thing in the world makes a sound  



HylianMadnessGames Livestream

Some might call this shameless self-promotion... oh well.   I will be streaming some games, beginning at 8:30 pm MST. In other words, about an hour from now. I'd love it if you'd grace my stream with your presence.   The URL is www.twitch.tv/HylianMadness. I hope to see you there!




In silence I sit, Hours on end.   Wanting, waiting, Needing a friend.   All the world goes and passes me by, Yet here I sit, waiting to die.   I have no purpose, no reason to live, I have no ambition, I have nothing to give.   What a worthless existence, a horrible curse. The miserable silence only making it worse.   In silence I sit, Hours on end.   Wanting, waiting, Anticipating the end.



Snowy Day Photography

So, it snowed here a couple days ago. What a lovely "spring" we're having!   But anyway, it snowed, and as I love snowy, cloudy days, I decided to snap some photos.   Some icicles on a tree in front of my house.   A small stream.   Another part of the same stream.   Yet another part of the same stream.   The edge of the forest relatively near my home.   The fence of the horse stables right next to my home.   A random mug I found inside a culvert.   Saw this rav



The Two Sides of the Coin

Work sucks. (And a resounding "DUH" echoes throughout the audience.) We all know it does. I won't say my job's the worst job in the world. I'm sure there are worse jobs. But mine is pretty bad. (I work at McDonald's, if you didn't know.)   Now, what follows is a clip that some may consider pretty offensive. It contains swearing. Watch at your own risk. ("Hurr hurr, why does your profile say you're a girl when it's obvious you're a guy from your voice, hur hurr..." Please don't. Just... don't.)



Oh, How She's Changed...

For this entry, I'm actually going to do what the previous 72 entries in this blog failed to do: I'm actually going to muse about things in this entry. Specifically, I'm going to do a little life-recap, go over some important (important to me) events in my life. (Sorry for the length. It's an interesting read. Maybe...)     My first memory ever was playing in the ball pit at Chuck-e-Cheese's. It's as if I suddenly just woke up, and I was in the ball pit. I don't remember the trip to Chuck-e-C



Youth Group in a Nutshell

Cameron, why'd you paint your nails? "Because I did, motherfucker. Got a problem with that?"   Hey Cam, your nails are pink! "No shit, Sherlock..."   *sarcasm* Nice nails, Cameron... "Thanks, you bastard. People like you the reason I nearly killed myself three times and the reason I cry myself to sleep every night. You should be proud of yourself."   Oh, your nails are so pretty, Cameron! "They are, aren't they? Oh wait, you were being sarcastic. Fuck you too, you son of a bitch..."   Pi



Transgender Life

This is similar to my "Work" series of blogs, except instead of talking shit about my job, I'm going to be talking shit about my regular day-to-day life. This simulated day is Wednesday, the day of youth group.     10:45 am: *waking up* "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH... fifteen more minutes..."   11:00 am: "EEERRRRGHHH... Up and at 'em, Erika, we need to do some school..." *I check my body to see if I magically transformed into a girl over the course of the night* "I didn't. Damn it."   11:05 am: "Che



Youth Group Silliness

This is the kind of crazy crap that goes on at my Monday night youth group. Fun. Although this activity caused a hole in my favorite jeans. Less fun. (I'm the... guy *sigh* on the blanket, if you couldn't tell.)  



Work 2

(Quotations mean thoughts inside my head, emboldened text means stuff I or customers actually say.)     6:00 am: *alarm clock* "Up and at 'em, Erika. You ain't gonna get anything done by being lazy..."   6:25 am: "And now the bracelets come off..."   6:30 am: "Shower on, step in... JESUS! coldcoldcoldcoldturnitupturnitup- Ahhh..."   6:43 am: " 5...4...3...2...1... Shower off, step out... Dry my hair (God, I wish my hair was longer), dry my body...   6:45 am: "On go the socks and the



Best Weekend of My Life

In two days, my life went from this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9JO54qemEI&feature=youtu.be&t=50s   to this:   In other words, I went from a depressed, self-hating, suicidal wreck of a man to a happy, optimistic, er... girl.   I feel great. I feel better than great. I feel indescribably amazing. And it's due in part to you forumites and your continued friendship to me. I don't know where I'd be without you. Probably dead out in the snow somewhere. With your help, I final



Something's Been Going on Lately...

(Don't worry, this isn't another "depressed" blog of mine. I feel great, this has nothing to do with my depression.)   As some of you may know, I consider myself bisexual. And while I may find members of the male gender attractive, I've never really felt the need to be anything else than what I am (a guy). However, lately I've been feeling more and more... feminine, to be honest. Not quite sure where it's coming from, but the feeling has been becoming more and more pronounced over the last few



You Did It.

Well, you guys did the impossible: You got me to come to grips with the fact that I have a lot of psychological issues that I need help with. I'm going to the psychiatrist (psychologist? I dunno, one or the other) today at 2:30. So thanks for all your advice. You may not think it helped, but it did.



Another Thing I Need to Say.

While I still plan to end my life soon, I'm not an idiot. I'm going to give life a little bit of a chance before I throw in the towel. I won't commit suicide until I've graduated high school. I'll get a taste of real life to see if I can handle it.   And maybe I'll have finished my tulpa by then. If so, I don't think I'd be able to kill myself. I don't care about myself anymore, I don't care if I die, but I wouldn't kill an innocent like Twi.   If you want to, you can try to convince me th



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