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About this blog

Just my random thoughts about random subjects.

Entries in this blog

The Cola Vampire

A short film two friends of mine made. I didn't star in it (Tragic, I know. I realize how much you all love me.), I just did the editing.  



Discord... as an Ally?

I was browsing Equestria Daily, and I came across this picture:   https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-ALtL4IKjUOw/UMTujn2VFqI/AAAAAAAAOmg/yDOro6JUQjo/s1600/MLPFIM.png   It got me thinking: What if Discord teamed up with the ponies in a later season? Not like he pulls a Darkheart or anything (Oh gee, lookit me! I sure love being good 'n all that doojigger!), but something happens and he realizes it would be advantageous to his cause to join up with the ponies and assist them in... something. H



Book Reports

Jesus Christ, it's finally DONE!!   Have you ever heard of a book called "Night" by Elie Wiesel? It's a great book, one that I highly recommend. Or at least, it would have been a great book, had I not been doing a book report on it.   Book reports are, in theory, supposed to enrich your understanding of the book, thus boosting your enjoyment and comprehension of it. However, they seem to do the exact opposite. You can't enjoy the book, because you're too busy searching for the answers to spe



The Dare

I just came up with this idea. If I get 100 brohoofs or comments on this, I'll run through my local McDonald's and scream: "TWILIGHT SPARKLE IS BEST PONY, MUTHAFUCKAS!!!!" (With a mask or other disguise, of course, since I work there. It'd be a bit awkward coming in to work the next day...)   I'll make sure to take a video of it.   (Oh, and I'm not trying to whore out for a bunch of brohoofs. I couldn't care less about increasing my brohoof count, I just want to do something crazy like this.




Last night, I had a few really strange dreams.   In the first one (not really all that strange), I dreamed it was Thursday already and I had to go to work. All of my family members were being annoying. That's it.   In the second one, my brother's ex-girlfriend somehow got hold of my jumping stilts and was jumping around a city. Then she fell into a fountain, where she proceeded to swim.   In the third one, I was in the same city from the second dream. The government had decided that there



Cameron's McDonald's Ordering Guide

You eat at fast food restaurants, don't you? Of course you do. Everyone does. Well, I decided to compile a list of things that I, as a cashier, would like customers to do in order to make my job (and indeed, the job of every other fast food restaurant employee) SO much simpler.   #1. Know what you want to order before you step up to the register. It's my job to keep the customers flowing as quickly as possible. I can't stand it when a customer steps in front of me, going "Hmm...Uh...No...May



YouTube Ranters in a Nutshell

It's a video I made. WATCH IIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fISJEDGjBA0   (You may be asking yourself, "Why is he wearing that goofy hat on top of another hat?" I'm just as clueless as you are, bro.)




It's not as boring as it sounds. (Or maybe it is, I'll leave that decision up to you.)     You see this?     To you, it may just look like a super sexy 'do messy, unkempt mop of filth. But to me, it means so much more. *Oh cripes, he's getting sentimental about his hair. What's next? Confessing his love for that longbow in the corner?* To me, it represents a fifteen-year battle with my parents. I've always liked long hair. I think it looks good on me. My parents, however, seem to loathe



More Customer Woes

*OH SHIT, HE'S TALKING ABOUT McDONALD'S AGAIN! RUN AND HIDE!*   So there was two annoying tween girls who waltzed into the store today. They walked up to me and said:   "What's a McFlurry? Is it, like, a shake?"   To which I replied: "No, it's ice cream with various fillings put in."   Her reply: "So..."   Me: "It's not a shake."   "Oh, OK."   Customer: "How many is a McFlurry?" (Jesus Christ! "How many is a McFlurry?" What kind of retarded bozo is this little shit? I mean, she wa



Phoenix Story+Season 3 Opinions+HEUGH

You wanna hear a story and an opinion from your dear old pal HM? Whass'at? You... you said no? You said... NO? Well dat right der is unb'leev'ble. How dare you. (And now a JonTron clip for emphasis.)   So I've been in Phoenix over the weekend for a concert. It was a concert featuring ten different bands, eight of which I could care less about. The artists I was excited for were TobyMac and RED, two of my all time favorite groups. Well, it turns out I have friends in high places, so to spea




(Notice: This post is a half joke. I mean all of what I said, I just don't feel as strongly on these subjects as this post would imply.)   I have no interest in women at all. I don't have any interest in guys, either. I don't want to date, I don't want long terms relationships, none of that. You might be thinking to yourself: "Oh, Hylian. You say that now, but when you-" Nope. Stop right there. There are a number of reasons I have for not wanting a long term relationship, none of which will ev



I Need a Day Off

Ugh... I haven't gotten a remotely decent night's sleep in 5 days. I really want to call in sick, I know it's lying, but I don't care. Sleep is probably the most important thing in the world to me. I'm tired of getting up at the ass crack of dawn to work at a job that I hate so as to earn an incredibly measly paycheck. As I sit here, my mind is racing, contemplating viable excuses to use to escape from work. I've already had a cold a few months back, so I can't use that. Also, I can't simply mak



*Insert Abject Disgust Here*

Bleeh. Ugh. Eck. Think of every disgusted vocal noise one could make, multiply it by a thousand, and that pretty much describes my feelings on what I'm about to say.   So... Uh, well, I might as well just say it. A guy in our church is currently in jail for child porn. Not taking pictures, just looking at 'em, but still. EEEEEEWWWWWW. This disturbs me, because he used to be the leader of our church's AWANA club. I came in contact with him quite often. WHEN I WAS ONLY A WEE LITTLE SPRITE. *shud



Rise of the Planet of the Cuddles

Let me make one thing perfectly clear: We weren't trying AT ALL with this video. We were just goofing around, and suddenly it became a movie. I put basically zero effort into the editing process, so there's some crappy edits and the like.   We're planning on making this into a series. The next video we have lined up will be "Cuddles: The Revenge", or "Cuddle Gear Rising" or some other lame movie/video game reference.   So without further ado, here's Rise of the Planet of the Cuddles (BTW,



I <3 You, Air Trekkers!

(Let me be clear, I'm not trying to sell a product to you with this post. I just wanted to share how much I love Air Trekkers.)   So I've been wanting to upgrade my jumping stilts ever since I got 'em. Sure, they work well enough, but this particular model was intended for tiny little imps (children) and as such, I couldn't reach the appropriate jumping height necessary for flips and the like. So today, I went to order some a new pair. air-trekkers.com had a clearance sale on last year's model




Back in 2010, I won RED's (then) newest album, Innocence and Instinct. I was pleasantly surprised and excited, seeing as how I barely ever win anything. We were at a concert, so I stuck the CD in my bag and continued to enjoy the show. During the lulls in the music, I was just singing the lyrics to the first song of the album: "...and it finds me, the fight inside is coursing through my veins..." The strange thing was, I'd never heard that song before in my life. I hadn't opened the CD yet, so I



Small Town Drama

For a town of only 4000 people, give or take, there sure seems to be a crapload of stuff going on. And I'm left out of the loop on almost all of it, which kind of pisses me off. I hear people telling these wild stories about relationships and family crises, and it seems impossible that all this stuff actually happened.   According to my friend, a family (We'll call them the Bacongaiz) was recently torn apart by one beer. Apparently, the father drank one beer, and the mother kicked him out. Th




Being a Christian, one could say that I'm a bit angry at Adam and Eve, what with ruining the entire world and all. And though I am pissed that they set the entire universe in a downward spiral to destruction, I actually am sort of glad that they brought the downfall of man. Why? Because that means that we got to eat meat. Up until that point, the only thing humanity was allowed to eat was vegetables. It must have been torture, not being able to get a steak or a burger. Just looking at all those



Ouray: Day One

This place is gorgeous, so of course I got some photos.   Out of all the pictures I've shot today, this is my favorite.   Slightly lower on the same waterfall.   The town of Ouray, shot from the top of a mountain.   A chipmunk eating something. Trying to get this little bugger to sit still was no easy feat.   You wanna know where you have to stand in order to read this sign? Off the trail, of course.     This is just a small portion of the photos I took. If you want to see



I Wonder...

So, a co-worker of mine died of a drug overdose this week. The news came as a shock to me. I was (Ugh, this is going to make me sound like a douchebag) a little annoyed, because she was one of the nicest people at my job. I really wasn't very sad, which I find strange. (I guess I really don't have any emotions other than anger.) Basically, the entire conversation in which I learned of her death went like this: Mom (talking to someone else)-"...So one of the people at McDonald's died this week."



Super Exciting (ha) Mini-Blogs!

There's some crap I wanted to talk about, but the topics weren't big enough to make them each their own separate blog entry, so I grouped them all together. Here we go.     #1: This Forum. In the four, maybe five months that I've been here, this forum has really become important to me. It's great to be able to discuss things with like-minded individuals. It's also very refreshing to see a forum on which fights don't break out every fifth of a femtosecond.   #2: My Brother. My brother is



More squirrelking Goodness?

I feel like rewriting another one of squirrelking's "fanfictions". Should I rewrite Half-Life: Full Life Consequences 2 or Half-Life: Hero Beginning?



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