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MLP-Triforce is Magic

Maybe it was too obvious, But I haven't seen mention of it anywhere... The elements of harmony look   exactly like Ruppees from the Legend of Zelda! I mean really, too big a coincidence for a show who has   blateantly given nods to the fandom with characters like Derpy and other references. I'm not talking about   the ones typically seen around the Mane 6 necks, but when Twilight found them (at the tree of harmony? I   forget now) But they were obviously rupees       What other tri

Joe Artastic

Joe Artastic

Ermahgerd, Furrst Blergg Perrst!

I have no direction for this post. May the randomness be ever in your- CATS! CATS! LAUGHING BABIES, PEOPLE FALLING, HOT HOT LADIES!! putalotofwordsinoneblog,carefultopunctuateit......mwahaha. Memes, randomness, and discussions.   Siri, how do I image? But srsly though......I have never blogged before. Unless informing the world of my amazazing workout at the gym on FB counts (I am that guy). It was great btw, thanks for asking.   To what do I owe the honor of your visit? Comment below, and

Joe Artastic

Joe Artastic

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