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A Blog where I write out my thoughts. They are not rants. Just about things that happen.

Entries in this blog

Is it really necessary?

Now every website has it's rules. We all know that. Some websites are very strict, while others are light in their rule enforcing, meaning that they still enforce the rules but give a little leniency.   Now, on deviantart, there hasn't been that much flare about the copyright issue. People upload screenshots and memes that do contain stuff that isn't theirs, which they get away with. I even do this too.   Now, there are just some deviants who take it way too far. This one I know (I won't me

What is Art?

So there's a certain deviant on deviant art who makes really cool flash stuff. However, there is one thing that bugs me a lot about him. He thinks that only original stuff count as art and blocks people who take other people's art and remake it in an original way they see it. So I come to you with this thought "What is really art?"   Well, simple. Art is taking something and making it "you". It's taking whatever you see, hear, touch, smell, taste...and interpreting it in your way.   Do meme
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