Isn't it every 5 year old's dream to have a pony for his or her birthday? Well, since Lauren Faust started the greatest TV show in history, that dream has been easier than ever. Unfortunately, it seems that all five year olds want these days is the latest One Direction album instead a life-size Rainbow Dash plush (what a shame this younger generation has become).
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is who doesn't want a pony for their birthday besides a spoiled 5 year old? If you know somepon
So, me and my friends love to prank each other during each of our birthdays. Next week is one of my friend's 16th Birthday, and for being the extreme white girl, I plan on giving her something that would crush her dreams
So when I got my ipod on my 14th birthday, I kept the box for God knows what reason. So, for my friend's birthday, I would like to take my ipod and put it back in the box and pretend it's brand new. I'll wrap it up, give it to my friend, she'll give me hugs and kisses, t