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A blog about my flying on FS2004.

Entries in this blog

Beech Bonanza F33A

My latest toy in my flight sim. Been wanting to get it for sometime, finally just made the quick, instinct choice to buy it  . Wanted something single-engine that still packed a punch... It's a nice lookin plane with pretty good speed, especially for a single-piston. Tweaked the cockpit gauges a bit to my liking. Doesn't feel like a big GA plane.  



Piper Seneca

When bored, learn to fly a new airplane.   This here's the panel of a Piper Seneca, PA34-200T to be specific. Probably one of the fanciest planes I've got in the sim (it's payware and I bought it at a sweet discount under $10 some time ago). All it takes is a good reading through the flight manual and a good understanding of all the physics involved in flying. Only annoying part about this guy is the creators didn't make a 2D panel (virtual cockpits are hard because I have to mov



Quick flight to Kerrville, TX

Quick run from Llano to Kerrville, Texas. A 40 minute trip with the Piper Arrow, practicing the localizer approach into Kerrville with the vacuum pump out (it's much harder without an attitude indicator. It's the blue/brown gauge that's lopsided, and above the compass-looking gauge). Mild success... was going left and right of track, but managed to stay relatively center. I "simulate" instrument conditions by pulling the outside screen view down so that I only rely on the instruments. Instrument



Flying the Piper Seminole

With a lot of time to spare from quarantine (ok, actually the only difference is I can't actually train with an instructor right now or go fly. I can still work and all and almost always am home anyways), got a bit bored doing the same ole routine, so I decided to go find a decent model of a Piper Seminole online for my flight sim, read through the POH (basically the manual), as well as read through need-to-knows about multi-engine aircraft from the text. I know.. I've technically flown mul



Piper Cherokee to Galveston, TX

Lately I've been flying the Piper Cherokee on the sim, as I've also been training on it in real life to meet the complex aircraft requirements for the commercial pilot license. Luckily was able to find a good free model online. Did a couple of instrument approaches at College Station, then Hunting...ton... or was it Huntingville? Lastly going towards Galveston to see some of the beautiful, exotic beaches (ah hah hah). Enroute.  Final approach... weather is currently pr



Baron over Montana

Thought about going back from Bozeman to Minneapolis..... decided to cruise around the area in a Baron 58. Even for default scenery, it's not a bad view. There's a whole 'nother world to fly than just the big airports in the simulator.



Short evening hop DTW-PIT

Haven't touched this blog in years. Certainly some people may take a little bit of interest in what I try to do 24/7! Pretty limited as far as what I can do due to my new job putting me out pretty late at night to want to do anything longer than an hour or two. Here's me flying a CRJ9 from Detroit over to Pittsburgh ('bout a 200 mile flight). Third flight on this type as of recently. It was wayyy overpowered as the throttle scalar was set to 30% extra, so the previous two runs on this guy w



Frankfurt to Tokyo-Haneda

Here's the last flight I've flown; my second transeastern (across the Eastern hemisphere) flight performed. I thankfully didn't have to fast-forward much (except the beginning since the simulator crashes if I'm on or near the Frankfurt airport for too long). Voila! Still have Manila, possibly Auckland, New Zealand, San Francisco, then back home to Austin.   Sure wish I could do this for realz tho.  



Buenos Aires to Sao Paulo

Berp.   The autothrottle was giving me trouble at first (the autopilot in general was giving me trouble), but I got settled in.   I arrived with 2 minutes of fuel left, and mistook the runway, hence a sideways landing in one of the pics.   Off to Johannesburg, next.  



Chicago to Buenos Aires

Hello again. This is the second leg of my flight sim world trip. This trip took about 12 hours (I had to chop it into 3 days by saving flights for later), and the dam thing crashed thrice when leaving ORD, most likely since I was flying over Midway, and the sim likes to crash when I fly over major airports :okiedokielokie:. As much as I would have liked to see virtual South America on the way to Buenos Aires,....it was kind of dark, up until an hour flying past the Andes. Bummah. Next leg is to



From a weird place to a windy city.

As I was away in Mexico for two weeks, I sort of missed getting the chance to flight sim. After all, I only had a week after I was done with finals before I left. Not having much to do at that moment, I decided to start planning a series of flights around the world. As much as one like myself would love to do the real thing like KK Slider, this was the closest I could get at the moment, but flight simming is a pretty fun hobby of mine anyways.   This flight from my hometown in Austin, Texas to



Frankfurt to Hong Kong

Lel, if you're reading this, take a cookie:         With all the time available throughout the day (and my brothers away at school), I took the liberty of this time to flight sim on longer than usual routes. The latest flight being Frankfurt to Hong Kong, which took about 11-12 hours (leaving at 4pm, arriving at 10 am), and...two landing attempts (I'm not used to the 747). Here are some pics!         Here's the route taken (this is pretty close to accurate). The thick blue path is t



Flight of the Durians

For @Sterling Crimson   Singapore Changi to Soekarno-Hatta (Jakarta)   A truck labeled "special cargo" arrived from an unknown source to the tarmac where a Pacifica Airlines 734 was parked, although there was trouble loading the smuggled goods onto the plane due to high security, but they managed to "work it out" by falsely reasoning it out.   Chronological order of images:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   Pics 1-2: Taxiiing from Singapore Changi. Pic 3: Climbing to cruise altitude. Pic 4: Cl



Flight Requests

Why hello.   Often times I'm pretty bored or uncreative with where to fly, so I'll leave this here for you to pick a route for me to fly.



Dulles to Mermansk Trip

WELCOME, to my blog :comeatus:. I don't know where to put this introduction, but I had the idea just a few minutes ago of starting a blog for all my flight sim trips since I always took pictures of a lot of my flights, but I never did anything with them except keep them stored in my computer, so why not do something cool with them and start a blog for anyone who's interested? Even if nobody but myself is interested, I'd like to keep the entries of my flights stored somewhere better than just jam



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