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My Fictional Character of the year and Waifu of the year, 2022 and Also another highlights of 2022.

My Fictional Character of 2022 (and 9 Runners-Up) https://adamburt1984.tumblr.com/post/705497874822299648/my-fictional-character-of-2022-and-9-runners-up   My Waifu of the Year, 2022 (and Runners-Up) https://adamburt1984.tumblr.com/post/705559117852540928/my-waifu-of-the-year-2022-and-runners-up     Also in 2022  (Try to add these in High and Low of 2022 but don't seem to add on after edit, I don't know why and it p***ing me off)   https://adamburt1984.t


BritishBrony2012 in 2022

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