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Me talking and thinking about ponies and stuff.

Entries in this blog

Princess Spike or: Too Much to Complain About

So I was sitting there right before the episode aired without actually expecting anything. I had read the synopsis when it was posted for the first time and had already considered to be this episode the usual hit or miss that Spike episodes sadly are in most cases. As someone who considers Spike his favorite character, my inexistent expectations were not just unfulfilled, they were brought into existence just to be crushed with every further minute of airtime that I hoped to get some increase in

Slice of Life or: How to Literally Jump the Shark after More Than 91 Episodes

First off: If you expected to get an over-the-top-episode with this one, you were right. “Slice of Life” is, without being as casually random as “Make New Friends but Keep Discord”, one of the most entertaining episodes of the show. But this status comes with a cost. Before I skip or leave anything out, I should talk about the plot first.   So, instead of focusing on any characters of the Mane Cast, this episode starts with Cranky and Matilda, two characters we’ve seen close to nothing of sinc

Oh, Castle Sweet Castle ... where did that plushie come from?!

WHERE DID IT COME FROM!?     So, as I already said in the episode’s discussion thread, I ask myself that question. And so I thought about it. Okay, there are actually just a few variations of explanations that I can think of … but each of them leads to a few further, and sometimes rather, interesting thoughts.   1a) Spike bought it himself.   If so, where did he buy it? Well, considering the Mane 6/7 have saved the world (or at least Equestria or just the day) numerous times al



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