Ah. This episode was just amazing, its message. The episode was just amazing, just amazing. And guess who returns? Coco Pommel! So... shall we get started??
Plot - The map summons Applejack and Rarity to the city of Manehattan, where they find their friend Coco Pommel in need of help reviving her neighborhood's community theater. Unable to find any volunteers to assist, the two offer to help Coco by themselves. Applejack takes up the task of repairing the derelict theater at the local park,
So, our long time buddy, RD has been framed, and guess who its up to to clear her name and prove her innocence? No, not Sherlock Homes... Rarity of course, plus a oddly really well narrated noir segment I must say... Now without furhter a do. Rarity Investigates! Let's jam!!
Plot- Rainbow Dash is accused of sending Spitfire away on a fake errand to replace her in a Wonderbolts aerial display and fly alongside her idol Wind Rider. Rarity investigates the crime to prove Rainbow's innocence, b
So, this episode was the most logical step in Rarity's next stage of development. I mean think about it, you own a bussiness and you want to expand, you know share your passion with the world/realm/area/nation so.... sassiness didnt help with that... We will get on to that a bit later. Also T-L-C thing was a nice concept, but the sassiness in this one was very... 'shacky' in other words.... the pony's name sounded trouble from the start.
Plot (of today) - Rarity achieves her dream of openin
This was glorious! The most thrilling this King has ever seen, I was a the edge of my seat, Luna = OP, seriously, so many good things happened in this episode, praise to the writers. One of the best episodes ever. That Big Mac moment made my tear up for the guy, I think that is the most screen time he got in that episode. I feel like I watched Inception for a moment, But I do have some questions that need to be answered about Luna's morality and choices... Best Mid- Season Finale EVER! Let's Rev
Hello one and all, the King of Depravity is here, and this episode hit me in the feels, best episode yet. Minuette was adorable and awesome in this episode, although I can't say the same for 'Moondancer' but this episode was generally really good, we saw a different side to Twily then we normally see, and well Minuette was just really awesome. Now without further delay, Let's rock! Also it was good to see Twily with other ponies other than the mane 6, it keeps her character fresh.
Facts! Twi
This was an experimental episode of MLP:FiM and it was amazing... minus the yaks, today we travel around Equestria to find the truth about the yaks and throw a party of friendship. Ladies and Gentlemen today The King of Depravity reviews "Party Pooped". Lets Jam!!
Written by Jayson Thiessen and Jim Miller Teleplay by Nick Confalone
Story- A friendship summit with visiting yaks turns into a disaster when the ponies fail to replicate the yaks' traditions, angering them into declaring war.
Ah... I ship Cadence with Spike. Oh.. The King Of Depravity has left for the day, greetings! I am the King of Despair, our former King is on a 'trip' as he says, so I will take thy audience... Today we marvel at Princess Spike! Let's Jam! Also on a side note; Cadence X Spike was bound to happen...
Story- Princess Twilight is left exhausted and falls asleep after hosting a large delegation in Canterlot, and Princess Cadance asks Spike to make sure no one disturbs Twilight. When delegates be
So, ladies and gentlemen we have reached a milestone havent we?! The 100th episode of this glorious journey hasnt it? The hype, the ponies and now 2 donkies wanting to get hitched, today ladies and gentlecolts, Slice of Life (100th episode). Sit back relax put some music on and Lets Jam!!!
Written by M.A. Larson Directed by Jayson Thiessen, Jim Miller
Story- Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda are scheduled to be married tomorrow, but realize the invitations that were sent out across Equest
So we are going to do some world building... So in today's episode we have seen the return of Gilda. Let's just say that we are going to see a lot of things in this episode, and this episode displayed some of the best writing for Pinkie Pie since forever... Mares and Gentlecolts, The King of Depravity here and today "The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone". Let's Jam! Writers- Jayson Thiessen and Jim Miller
Story and Characters- The cutie mark map sends Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie to the griffon
So in this episode we return to Equestria but this time the Gala has returned and the Mane 6 are invited but Discord is well... he is Discord, So John De Lancie has done one of the best performances ever in MLP in this episode but does this rack up better unlike our filler 2 weeks ago... Let's Rock!
What Happened- So in today's episode Discord is having there 'tea time' (on tuesday) untill Fluttershy broke the news that she is going with another pony to the Gala, this of course displeases D
So this episode was a filler, although this it was generally a good episode and a nice cool down moment for the viewer after what happened with Tanks last episode, also this is the second CMC episode in season 5... so without further a do Appleloosa's Most Wanted, lets rock!
Synopsis- So in this episode the CMC travel to Appleloosa in hopes of getting there cutie marks... untill the Sheriff says that an outlaw has been vandalising the contests and causing chaos around Appleloosa. The Crusade
So in this episode we learn that Tanks will hibernate, this of course makes Rainbow Dash feel that she will have to get her way to stop winter, and well this goes sideways... Hello Filies and Gentlecolts, today we will indulge ourselves in Tanks For The Memories, let's rock!
As you may have noticed one of the writers are a fan of A Game Of Thrones... so take that as you wish.
The Good: So this episode starts of with the ponies getting ready for Winter as Autumm as finished... this i
So what happenes when you cross Edge of Tommororw and Ground Hogs Day with MLP:FiM, you get this episode... i know mind blowing, so in this episode we have to indluge ourselves in to Applebloom and her nightmares... keep in mind that this is a CMC episode and nothing less... so time to review!
The Good: So in this episode we as i said earlier indulge ourselves to Applebloom, in the beginning Bloom is going to sleep and Jax's (AppleJack) sings her a nice little lullaby before she goes to slee
So i havce watched it, but did i like it??? being this is Freindship is Magic this will have moral lessons buy by god this episode was far better than imagined... today we review Castle Sweet Castle! letrs review!
So we start of with Twilight helping Fluttershy her clean all her animal friends b-cause well why not?? untill Fluttershy brings up the disscussion of going home... that is when Twilight obbsesivly wants to stay away form her new home and tries to to everything possible to evade th