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MLP: Equestria Girls - Friendship Games Trailer- First Impressions

So it is that time of year again.... EQG returns only with sports, so ladies, gentlemen and haters today we will give our opinon on this trailer and all its glory... and if you hate EQG please leave this won't be of use to you if you only like the main show.... also if you like EQG well this blog is for you! If not well what can I do?         As seen on form the video Sunset has got some new threads (new jacket etc) and there mght be a rivalry between human Twilight and well in Crystal



My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks

So... Sunset Shimmer is reformed, Twilight is not the protagonist and we have Sirens as villians, what could go wrong? Well this time not alot. We see less of Brad (Flash Sentry) and more of Trixie, this is a big one. Hello mare and gentlecolts and today My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks and for the record this movie was miles better form the last.   Directed by Jayson Thiessen Written by Meghan McCarthy   Story and Characters - This movie has a far better plot from the last fi



My Little Pony: Equestria Girls

So alternate worlds, DC comics has Infinte Crisis, Marvel has Secret Wars but MLP:FiM has... the human world. The film re-envisions the main characters of the series, normally ponies, as human characters in a high school setting. The film's plot involves the pony Twilight Sparkle pursuing her stolen crown into an alternate world where she transforms into a human, teenage girl. While learning how to behave as a human, yeah.... what could go wrong? The King Of Depravity here and today My Little Po



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