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From rants about parenthood to fangirling over ponies, a little bit of everything will be had!

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Gardens, cupcakes and factories, oh my!

So, yesterday I read Cheerilee's Garden.....yeah....that was creepy, not as creepy as Cupcakes, not as mind screwing as Rainbow Factory, but, wow, it was like Saw, from Jigsaw's point of view, but in pony form! lol, Admittedly I am a fan of the creepy fan fic stories, not the weird ones with brutal sexual assaults and extra bits and pieces being added to ponies, but the ones that are well written out, not just, stab, stab, blood, blood, story line of a lump of coal! Trying to find stories that a



50 shades of Pern

I, oh reader, am a hopeless book lover. I have everything from watership down to American psycho, redwall to belle de jour, I just love to read! At the moment I'm simultaneously reading the new E. L. James Grey and Anne McCaffrey The Skies Of Pern, two books from different genres and yet I am enjoying both! If you are unaware of either tomes, I'll give a brief description.   Grey: a spin off from the original 50 shades of grey that shot to fame a few years back, Grey is written from the perspe



Holy Just Dance, Batman!

So pulled out just dance 2014 this morning, whooee! I am exhausted, think I died about 20 minutes in to the 40 minute workout, lol, didn't realise I was so unfit, even with a 4 year old keeping me busy, think I'll start off doing this every other day, everyday will leave me unable to walk or lift my arms above my waist! ????   Started watching a new series last night seeing as all the others have finished (Game of Thrones, Supernatural, stalker, the flash) it's called Penny Dreadful, seen 2 ep



Slice of Thrones!

SO, yesterday was full of excitement and laughter, and shock and sadness, and a touch of hunger too, lol, so a full day there then!   Finally watched Slice of Life, some folks may have their reservations about it, but oh my gods, I loved it!! From Discord in Fluttershys house in the start title (he may of been there longer, if so, i hadn't noticed, go me! \o/) to Lyra and Bon Bon...sorry, special agent sweetie drops! And I could stop myself from hooting with laughter at the Big Lebowski ponies



Rainy Days and OC ideas!

Hallo you lovely pony folks, sitting here watching cowboy builders (a programme about botched building work) sipping a nice warm cup of tea on a rainy Sunday (cheers rainbow dash, so glad you've done it today and not tomorrow!) and attempting to play Fantasy Life!   Life is both good and bad atm, good as I've finally had 2 fillings done, had a hair trim and had my feet pampered! Bad cause docs have confirmed I have depression, I weigh the most I ever have and the little misses behaviour is pus



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