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I am leaving the forums.

So as I am trying to leave the fandom, I decided that I am going to leave these forums for good. It's very hard to stick with the people that have a main interest that it is hard to handle with discussion and such. So I decided to leave the Brony fandom and these forums, and switch to the Cruncyroll forums (anime forums) thanks everybody, I hope you understand, thanks for the ride on such a good journey!   I though am going to hang around crunchyroll now that I have left. http://www.crunchyr



I am done with this fandom...

So I guess I am about to say what the title has basically just explained, and that is I am leaving the fandom for good. When I joined the fandom, I thought this was the thing for me, the thing that meant closest to me, but after I got into it, and I started to contribute.. that's where things got... weird. There were people, SOOOO many people I have met that would always treat the ponies like sexual objects or something and post you know what to Skype groups and they would go "She is so hot!! &l



Cory in The House (DS) Review.

The purest piece of art in human history. With Shakespeare as the main writer of this incredibly smart and intriguing story, Mozart as the composer of the thrilling soundtrack and Da Vinci on the art direction of this masterpiece, Cory in the House breaks all the previous concepts on man-made perfection and may be the key to the human existence, since it defies every work made by God itself   Final Verdict  



Why BO3 for last gen is lazy.

Why on earth are the graphics for Black Ops 3 PS3 SO LAZILY DONE!!!   Just look at Black Ops 3 here: The graphics are terrible it runs on 30 fps and there is no campaign.  Now just look at ALL of these games.     So why is Black Ops 3 graphics so lazily done? I know there was A LOT of things added to the game that would not run on last-gen, but that is not an excuse though. These games I just mentioned have AWESOME graphics but "Beenox" (the people who made the last gen) left so much



TwilightAqua Signature

Well, I attempted to make a signature for I honestly restarted it over 5 times and I think she likes my final version of it. :D :D       ^^^^^^ Her Reaction



All of my Signatures so far.

You can keep and use whatever signatures are posted here, just please give me credit by putting my name underneath the signature. If you would also like me to make a signature identical to one of these but with your name and not mine feel free to PM me or message me on Skype.  



Why I recommend not to buy Black Ops 3 for last gen.

Announced by Trey-arch about a month ago on the Call of Duty forums is that Black Ops 3 WILL NOT have a campaign for Xbox 360 and the PS3 because of all of the things that run in it that is only possible on next gen consoles but Zombies and Multiplayer will. I actually 100% understand this but it's the fact they took not even 10 DOLLARS AWAY FROM THE GAME for the last gen consoles as 30-40% of the overall package is taken out.   If you really want to buy the game when there is no campaign be



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