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Everypony's favorite beard talking about whatever he feels like talking about.

Entries in this blog

How Old are the Mane 6?

Heya my fellow bronies. Today I have decided to tackle a question that has plagued my mind since first joining this fandom. Just how old are the mane 6? I have read dozens and dozens of theories all across the internet, ranging as young as 13 years old, to as old as 30 years old. Personally, I think both of those theories are wrong, but let's start at the beginning.     BEFORE I BEGIN, THIS IS ALL ASSUMING THE PONIES OF EQUESTRIA AGE SIMILARLY TO HUMANS. JUDGING MAINLY BY THE WAY THEIR SOCIE

~Lawful Jordo~

~Lawful Jordo~

Equestria Girls Review (No Spoilers)

Alright, here it is; the big one. Equestria Girls. The movie that many bronies have been torn about. Some have gotten excited, but the vast majority were repulsed by the concept of this movie. Some have even predicted it to be 'the end of the fandom'. Is it truly that bad? Well let's find out.   Before I get started, let me first say that this review will contain absolutely zero spoilers. I will do another review in the next few days that will contain spoiler talk. If you want to see my initia

~Lawful Jordo~

~Lawful Jordo~

Equestria Girls Trailer Breakdown/Thoughts

Hello my fellow bronies. As many of you probably know by now, Hasbro has released the first official trailer for the 'Equestrian Girls' movie. For the few of you who have been living in a cave, 'Equestrian Girls' is a new spinoff series of MLP: FiM where Twilight and co are sucked through a portal to the human world, being transformed into humans themselves. My little Pony without ponies, sounds brilliant I know. Does anyone else think that sounds like a badly written fanfiction? Never mind that

~Lawful Jordo~

~Lawful Jordo~

Fan claims to be Twilight's fiance

Hello to all my Brony friends! I'm back for another rant. Today I'm talking about sort of an odd story...   Just recently, an upset fan contacted a clop artist. For those of you who don't know what a clop artist is, I'm not going to delve into that here; I have another blog entry discussing 'clop'. Anyways, back on topic. The fan did not like the fact that this particular clop artist has been known to draw Twilight Sparkle quite often, and asked him to stop. His reasoning? This is where it get

~Lawful Jordo~

~Lawful Jordo~

Dragonball Z: Series Review

Heya everypony, and welcome to my very first review! Today I will be taking a look back at a series that many of you have probably seen (Or at least heard about). Dragonball Z.   I will be talking about the original series, not 'Dragonball Z Kai', so filler will be included in this review. Also, if you haven't seen the series I must warn you; this review contains spoilers.       Dragonball Z is an anime series that follows the main character Goku, his son Gohan and the rest of his friends

~Lawful Jordo~

~Lawful Jordo~

TJ the killer and the value of life.

Hello all, Lawful Jordo here once again. I'ts been a while since my last blog entry, but I believe I have found something worth writing about. A trail back in February 2013 has caught my attention, and I believe it is worth discussing.   TJ Lane, now 18, was a loner, a victim to being bullied. He was an intelligent student positioned to graduate early... not insane, incompetent, or impaired. He was a model student with a promising future.   But in February of 2013, Lane pled guilty and was

~Lawful Jordo~

~Lawful Jordo~

I'm going to Hell

Hello all! Back for another one of my rants. Today I will be revisiting the topic of Religion. I can hear the commentors ready to pounce on each other already. No, it won't be that kind of religious debate, today I'm going to talk about something that happened to me recently.     First off I have to explain that where I live, the majority of people believe in god. One of my best friends (Who will remain anonymous) Is a christian. Anyways, we were planning on hanging out on Sunday, just to wat

~Lawful Jordo~

~Lawful Jordo~

Clopping: Ethical behavior or no?

Welcome back to my blog where I talk about... Whatever I feel like. Today, I talk about the big one. As fellow Bronies, we have all probably talked about this in the past, or at least looked on in either curiosity or disgust. It is the biggest thing our fandom is criticized for. I am referring to of course; 'Clop', or 'Clopping'.   For the few of you who may not know what that is, 'Clopping' is when someone pleasures him/herself to explicit art of characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is

~Lawful Jordo~

~Lawful Jordo~

Why I can't take Feminism seriously.

Hello Everypony, it's been a long time since my last rant. Today's topic is something I take very seriously (No screwing around in this rant...), human rights, or more specifically Feminism. I must apologize to anyone reading this, there may be some foul language, as this topic really gets to me.       Alright, so first off I have to say that I think equal rights is amazing. If I ran the world, gender roles would be a thing of the past and men and women would reap the same advantages and hav

~Lawful Jordo~

~Lawful Jordo~

Space: The new frontier, or an unattainable goal?

Space:   Our Earth is only a tiny speck in our Galaxy, which is only a speck in the vastness of the universe. There is so much out there for us humans to discover; New worlds, new stars... Hell, we may not even be the only sapient species in the universe. When you really break it down, our species are merely bacteria inhabiting a pebble in the vast ocean that is space. Would it be possible however, realistically for us to expand beyond our little pebble and colonize the stars? That's quite th

~Lawful Jordo~

~Lawful Jordo~

God the tyrant?

Hello everypony! Welcome to my blog where I talk about whatever comes to my mind. Today? God. The Christian God to be more specific. I know, my first blog entry just has to be about religion, because that never rustles any jimmies. I am not writing this to piss anyone off though.     As many of you may already know; I'm an Atheist. Before you say it, no. This is not a bash on Christianity, this is just a serious issue about the religion that has been bugging me for a long time. If you get off

~Lawful Jordo~

~Lawful Jordo~

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