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About this blog

All my writing escapades! And stuff. Y'know, shameless self-promotion along with promoting some of my favorite fics and up-and-coming writers.

Entries in this blog

Update-y Stuff (Also, Wanna Write With Me?)

Okay, I'm just gonna throw some stuff out there so I don't forget to mention anything.   OTSW is on hold for now ("you mean it wasn't before?"). I planned it very crappily to begin with and was writing/planning myself into elaborate corners. So the chapters I do have now will most likely be twisted or scrapped. I'm going to make the intro actually interesting and more obviously pertaining to the rest of the story.   Secondly, Autonomous Reflection (which I'm coauthoring) could use some views

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Two Months of No Writing is Death

The last time I sat down and wrote any considerable portion of OTSW (or anything, for that matter) was in March.   Mother of Jeebus, it is almost June and I've done nothing.   I tried writing the other night and it went terribly. Like, I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and crap a better story segment then what I came up with the other night. It was...yikes. It is sitting on my desktop in it's own little Word document. I can't stand to open it or delete it. And God forbid I post it where ot

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I Updated and Feel Bad Again

The good: I FINALLY finished the next chapter of OTSW. At almost 10,000 words it is nearly twice as long as any previous chapter, so hopefully this can hold readers over while I work on the next bit.   The bad: I now have to write another chapter. Oh, the horror!   Anyway, for those keeping up thus far: the story is moving from that bland introduction setting-the-scene stuff and moving to the action-y parts. So...yay, I suppose?   Bleh. It is late and I've had a long day. Enjoy, whoever c

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A Collaboration with Hiddenpairer (Also, I'm a Moron)

So a while ago, you might have heard me fangirling over how I became Hiddenpairer's coauthor for his fanfiction. We've been reworking the first couple of chapters ever since Twilicorn became a thing, but he finally posted the story to FiMFiction.net! *insert streamers and confetti here*   From our planning sessions, I can already tell that this will be an awesome story. We'd both be much obliged if you'd give it a read and follow along: Autonomous Reflection. Here's the flavor text:   Sound

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Word Wars (This is for all you writers, out there)

Remember when this blog was updated regularly? Yeah, me neither.   So I'm a member on a writing site aimed at teens and young adults. One of the most popular past times on that website is Word Wars. They are very simple and fun to do, not to mention potentially the opportunity to give yourself a swift kick in the rear-end and be productive.   All you have to do is get a group of people together, agree on a start time and end time (usually something like ten to fifteen minutes), then start wr

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oh celestia what have i gotten myself into oh noez

...yikes, that title was painful to write.   So my lovely editor ShieldGenerator and I have been emailing back and forth about various aspects of OTSW.   Back and forth a lot.   A LOT. And each email is an even larger wall of text than the last. I think one of my longer emails clocked out at just over 1,000 words. Considering that is almost a quarter of my average chapter length thus far...yikes.   But these emails have not been for naught. No, they have taught me many things. One: this

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Congrats to ocalhoun!

So in the writing tips thread, @ocalhoun posted a story called The Clothes Make the Mare. I volunteered to review it, of course, because I love reviewing stuff. It keeps me busy so I can't write myself.   So ocalhoun posted the story to FiMFiction, and who would've thunk? It made the Feature Box less than a day after it was posted. I'm very proud of ocalhoun, and this is a boost to my ego self-esteem. Go read the story, it's good.   As for my own story...now that finals are over, I have thre

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Blaug Overhaul

Why? Because I'm the Dungeon Master. I decided that I'm not only going to be writing OTSW -- I have an idea for a Gravity Falls/MLP crossover, and possibly will be apart of another fic. Therefore, this blog will now be about any and all writing adventures I am apart of, along with advertising other writer's stories that I find well-written.     So Hiddenpairer, a fellow writer, is beginning a new long-term adventure fic. In this thread, he called for a co-author, editor, proofreader, and arti

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I Think I Reverse-Broke Myself

Let me explain.   Generally, this is how I update:   1: Write chapter over a long period of time. 2: Get chapter edited by SG7. Cringe at all the dumb mistakes, lament my horrible writing form, promise to learn how to become a better writer. 3: Say nuts to that last part and sloppily edit dumb mistakes. 4: Post. 5: One reader in 24 hours. Throw a party to celebrate the massive amount of views my story gets. 6: Next day -- I'll write the next chapter now! 7: One week later and still a b

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Dance the Happy Update Dance With Me!

Murrp. Chapter 3 is up. Finally.   This one went through a lot of editing, mainly to fix some confusion that resulted from my being unable to explain my thought processes. But regardless, the chapter is up, Act I has come to a close, and the fun shall begin.   Wanna read it? Click here. Yo.   - Kolth

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Chapter 3!

...has been sent in to my good ole' editor. But take solace in the fact that there is only a few days to wait for all your questions to be compounded by more questions!   Also, there is blood. THAT was a fun conclusion to write.   Tell your friends, tell your wife, tell your dog - chapter 3 is almost here.   - Kotlh

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OTSW began in my head as a ten-or-so chapter novella that would feature only ponies. And now, the planned story spans four books and at LEAST four-six worlds. Why? Because every idea I have is amazing and I can't let it go.   (Possibly spoilers. Though, really, what could possibly be spoiled?) So Shield Generator pointed some things out to me about chapter 2 - namely, why is there such little security surrounding not only a supercomputer/personality, but an alien source of immense energy that

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In Response to People Who Hate Cliffhangers

All I can say is...heeheehee.   Nah, that just seemed like a good place to stop the chapter and cause some drama. Which, judging from the PMs and emails I got, was just what happened. So in celebration of a finally finished chapter and renewed interest in this story, I offer this little teaser bit that I just wrote. Subject to change, deletion, and casting into the fires of Mt. Doom. But regardless, enjoy:         From what I have, that's about all I can say without spoiling any of the

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I Have An Urgent and Horrifying News Story!

CANNONBAAAAAAALL!   ...no, but seriously. Big stuff just happened. Remember back in October when I said this?     Well, I kept my promise. A month and a half later, I UPDATED. I would throw a party, but I spent all my time and energy finishing this chapter.   For those who think that this story is no longer worth reading, the first two chapters were boring, or whatever, I offer this piece of commentary my wonderful editor Shield Generator gave me about the last two lines of the chapt

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I Suck At This and Other Fun Facts

...yeah...no update. Still. Please, everyone send me a PM and point out what a loser I am at updating.   But regardless, I was Skyping with my editor (Shield Generator - what a guy!) and SOMEHOW he is still interested in the story. So I still have a reason to live continue writing, which makes me happy.   On a side note: to anyone who has read the story, does it seem too informal and/or sarcastic at times?   In summary: I am a bad, bad writer who needs to be slapped with a raw tuna.  

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I Got Emails and Pony Merch

Both of which are very, very good things.   First up are the emails. Yeah, I got emails. As in plural. One was the ole' editor, asking how things were going concerning the writing (it is going just fine, by the way. *coughcough*). The other was a reader asking about the next update. That got me a little jittery.   So I'm spending much of tonight pumping out a few more chapters, though you and I both know that if I finish more than half of one it will sound like horseapples. So just cross you

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American English Teachers Need to Step Up Their Game

Got the post-post (as in, after I had already posted it) review of the first chapter of OTSW. Mostly silly grammatical and fluency errors, with the occasional omitted word when I felt like it. But thanks to Shield Generator, those should be all fixed. That chapter looks so shiny and smexy now. Just goes to show what happens when you have a friend-type relationship with your English teacher rather than a teacher/student relationship: they joke too much in class and don't teach enough!   So yes,

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"He makes updates. BEEG updates."

Well, not 'make' so much as 'has'.   Keeping to the purpose of this blog, I won't tell you about all the other reasons today was so fabulously amazing. I WILL tell you, however, that the first review of the drivel I call the beginnings of a story was emailed to me today. A friend of mine from MLP:Online, Shield Generator, sent me his review of the prologue and chapter one. Here is one of the highlights of what was said:   "Anyway, it's a great read so far, I especially liked the imagery in t

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I Bet You Thought I Updated, Huh.

That's really cute if that is true. Knowing me, it'll be a while. A long while.   So a couple things of significance happened to me today. For one, I gained a team member of sorts. If you haven't gotten the chance to introduce yourself to him, go give a big hello to Nikki-Layne! He's a talented music artist; give his tunes a listen when you get the chance.   I came to Nikki with a proposition: as climatic scenes appear in my story, he writes up a song to accompany it that fits the mood/scene

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Let the Self-Hate Begin! (Or, How I Finally Finished Something)

Well, while I'm here, I might as well whine and moan about how I keep myself from ever getting anything done.   So, in case my signature and About Me does not stress it enough, I'm writing a story. It's gonna be a bit longer than something I'd normally write...as in, a planned four volumes all tying into one main plot. Wanna read? Click the image in my siggy. But I didn't come here to advertise. I came here to pour my writing process thoughts onto paper. Er, screen.   It took me a couple of

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