In my fanfic, The Shining Silver Star of The Apple Family, there was a section planned in Arc 2. A section where Silver's past as a "Do whatever it takes to get maximum profit, prioritizing anything that looks challenging and fun" past catches up to him. And a lot of what I predicted about Dragon Culture turned out to be true. In fact, the only thing that was wrong was how the Dragon Lord (Even got the name right!) passes on his leadership using a possibly-magic sceptre given to anyone that comp
There's no easy way to say this, but that episode was absolutely, completely and utterly dreadful. It was utterly awful, and a strong contender for the worst episode of this entire show. At least Boast Busters TRIED to do something somewhat original, even if it failed utterly. At least Bost Busters attempted do be something more than shameless and shallow pandering.
This episode? It rips off the "Classic" (Overused) plot where two idiots give up something they love to get something to comple