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Update #2: Explanation why I haven't been on

Well it's been a while since I have used this site. Well to explain why I didn't return was the fact that I got into the game Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2. The game was so fun I entirely Forgot about the social world I was in. Which was this great site. I'm mostly playing as Peashooter or the All-star class. My brain still hurts from solving puzzle after puzzle in the trials of gnomus. So yeah here I am



"It seems i have my own gmod server now" - UPDATE #1

So it has seems i own a gmod server now but i never told anyone about it. I also own a Xbox one i am currently playing killer instinct and i am stuck to it. So hopefully if DOOM (2016) Decides to update the snapmaps menu then i will be gladly to be back playing it but for now i got bored of it. Oh well at least i own doom (2016) now. So if you want to add me my gamertag is Hunterkrovac (Expect me to be playing killer instinct or stay on the home menu. The server i host "UAC Research of ponies' m



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