Hello... I don't know-what I must to cure?
Oh... Sometime my liver begin ill. Once upon she ill very strong... My eye's albumen became some yellow, by edges, since 2015, when I drank neuroleptics. But, if I will to cure my liver, I will can't to cure my stomach and my mind, because pills and energy drink harms liver.
Oh.. I have and common pain in my stomach. And, I have a hun
I very tired... Psychically...And I don't know why..
I no talk with no one.. I no drawing.. I not do nothing! Ruefully..
I have no power..
I have a many ideas.. I want return deviantart account and make popular, I with External Evil want to open comissions in English sites, because in Rissian sites we have fail, I want continue ASK in VKontakte, I want to create cartoon.. I want to finish writting my fan works... I want.. Oh... But I have no power, an
Hello everypony! I want familiarize you with creation my girlfriend External Evil. She's 31 old, and she like to draw 1 year.
External Evil's art on competer, mouse.
translate: where I get 50$??? medication: 50$
External's art on paper
About me
Hello, everypony! I'm Middleness Collar. My login name belong my girldfriend, and she wanted to register, but she changed her mind, but was late. Me 17 old, I'm from Uzbekistan. I like to draw (sometimes), photoshop (sometime too) and to write article (often). I like a medicine, psychology and psychiatry. I'm a strange, so many people and pony don't understand me. I'm very happy, but I can have a depression, and to think about suicide, when my life fall, and I want suicide sinse 201