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About this blog

I am 18 year old living in Lahti Finland, and desided to start blog where I talk about things...

Entries in this blog

Depression and Coping

I have confession to make.......... when I get really depressed, I hurt myself.... I will sometimes lock myself up in my room and just..... mess legs up..... with blade.....   even though I've had good times recently, it always comes back... feeling of worthlessness..... I feel like I have no place.........      why does this happen so much?



Welcome Friends!

Hello all! I have finally reached ability to post blog!   Now I can talk about boring things in life! Yay   For those who don't know me, look at my profile for about me XD Also, please help if I mess up word or stuff. I don't speak English as primary.   NOW TO THE THINGS!   I recently started talking to girl who goes to school with me, and is year older. She is cute, and nice, and likes me. We first spoke in sauna wich was awkward for me, as she was very close to me and flirting if you



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