Here's a post to Fluttershy for coming in second. Everybody knows that Twilight would've lost were it not for those two extremities spontaneously added on to her. ;D
Soooooooooooo how's it been? I'm sure my regular dudes have long gone extinct since the time I last came on MLP forums, but I'm back again with a collection of really old jokes. Maybe you new guys can get a kick out of these. There are a ton of world cup jokes, but not too many Independence day ones. I only like political humor when it comes with moderately anarchistic implications.
Some gifs don't work till ya click on em.
Get pics below!
Oh, what's that? You want jokes from 2012 that have been stockpiled on my hard drive for millennia? Well aren't you in luck!
Also, May The 4th be with ya, as always. This is the one day of the year I get to count how many other star wars fans there are in my immediate vicinity.
So far I'm up to two of my cats. And only if I bribe them.
Oh well! Have old jokes below!
(If the site crashes immediately after this is posted, I swear to Luna it was totally not my fault. #217pic
Well whaddya know, the center of comedic affairs isn't located in America this time? What a surprise!
Oh wait, never mind. There was still the Super Bowl.
Might as well kick off the new year with a small collection of pictures. I got out of the hospital today just in time to run home and scrape together this blog post so enjoy what little there is below.
T'was the night before hearth's warming,
and all through the net,
not many users were laughing,
or at least not yet.
Rainbow Skywalker gazed upon the forums and said,
"There's no funny pictures! Well this isn't right..."
So he searched for such pictures,
this Hearth's Warming Eve night.
Sorting through reposts,
(and jokes that were mean,)
he threw those away,
and picked the ones that were clean.
With 91 pictures
and three hours to spare
he managed to finally get this post
Ok, so no big pic post today, but something that I found funny did happen to me just now.
It's like, 2AM and I decide that I'm about to starve to death so I go into the kitchen and start making food. One thing leads to another and I eventually have an entire banquet of pancakes, nachos, salsa, cereal, potato chips, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Judge me as you will.
So anyway I'm sitting there at the table just munching away when my dad walks in to get a drink of water while
Oh, it's not? Well we can't all be perfectly on time. Where's the fun in that?
Grab just a few leftover jokes below. Not too many, but I didn't want them to spoil. Speaking of leftovers, I need to eat that fudge in the fridge. Seeya!
So I got a frosty at a fast food restaurant downtown. I started slurping it and...
It was crunchy.
A frosty. Was crunchy.
Well, while I dial up the FDA, why don't you guys have a laugh? Here's something like 140 pics for ya.
And don't eat crunchy frosties.
(Beware of stale jokes too. Some of the ones in here have gone bad ;D)
The sad part is, its the same dang joke every time.
"lol nobodie iz goin 2 b @ skool bcuz their al playin GTA lol"
So what can I do to solve this crisis?
Well, not much. So if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
(Some of these jokes might be a little stale, I've been searching way back through some of my old pics)
So there's a particular Pinkemena banner that I saw today (COUGH COUGH THANKS LUGIA) that seems to have gotten some people down in the dumps. Why not have some funny pictures to counter that negative energy eh? Share some with your friends, or even just link this thing to them. Everybody needs to smile smile smile every once in a while while while
Then again, according to f_ing everybody I'm an emo. So what would I know about that anyway..
I hate school and anything related to it. Thats mostly because of all the AP classes I have to take and all the work I have to do before school even starts. But oh well. Have some pictures that I've been saving up for like, years or something.
So, I figured there would be a demand for hilarity on the day that America gained independence.
Considering the fact that so many people ask "Do they have fourth of July in other places?"
No seriously, somebody asked me that today.
I'm just like no, they go straight from the 3rd to the 5th.
They didn't get it.
Anyway, Pics!
Hey! Looks like there are moving pictures in this one! I know that many people are just about tired of the little funny gifs floating around the net nowadays, but just give this post a chance.
Speaking of which, I made a new animated avatar which imitates the "Pinkie Pie Sparkly Eyes" situation. Only took me 4 bloody hours.
In other news, I need a font for british accents and a font for sarcasm. Seriously.
Another interesting fact: There are over 100 pictures in this one. Enjo
I mean, I'm just sayin' that if we spent our whole year slaving away to learn the material, why do we need another test just to prove that we were there learning as much as we could? Just don't seem too right to me.
Moving aside from that matter though, we have some pictures that are slightly related to the topic matter, and many others that have nothing to do with it at all. Oh well!
I can't believe I hit 3,538 views! Such an iconic number!
Ok, maybe its just a random number that I saw on the view count for this blog but thanks to all who have viewed it and also to all of the 58 commenters. You guys rock!
I took a vacation from the internet to learn guitar for a while.
Ok, so maybe it was to lift weights.
Fine, it was to save orphans.
It might have POSSIBLY been to sit at home all day playing xbox, but hey, thats not really the point. Here's pictures:
Uh, yeah. So I made some slippers by sewing together some stuff, and I came out with an astounded Vader. I'm surprised at how well it turned out...
So is he.
The number of pics in this collection.
Yeah I counted them, I guess I couldn't think of a title was being generous.
So yeah, have fun, and I gotta go. Because Sweet Child of Mine is on the radio, and you just don't miss a song like that.
I kind of sort of might have been an itsy bitsy bit late on this entry. I meant to put one up on Valentine's day, I had funny poems and everything. But it's a bit late for that now ain't it? Have some pictures anyway.
So I made a gif. Will Rainbow ever manage to break through the glass and ninja strike Rarity? Find out next time on Dragonball Z!!!
I don't know what happened up there^ But have some pics! We could all use some funny after Fighting is Magic.