My recent voyages into the land of books has brought me across a cute little mystery series entitled "The Cat Who..." They take place around a retired journalist who lives in a small town with his two siamese cats, one of which helps him solve murders and crimes. He writes a small column in the town newspaper. Also he is a millionaire having inherited a fortune from a family friend who lived in the town (Pickaxe). They aren't the most brain working mysteries but they are very good if you want ju
Hey everyone!
I decided that I really liked the idea of a blog as part of the forum. I think that is an awesome addition to have. Kudos to whoever came up with that.
Anyway I have always wanted to blog but I haven't ever been able to give myself a good start, so I am hoping with this that I will be able to learn and become more familiar with blogging. So as some of you may already know I am huge into art. I don't just mean drawing, painting type of art either. I love writing, photograph