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About this blog

Hi! Welcome to my blog! At the moment of writing this it's very incomplete, but it's gonna be dedicated to share my thoughts on some movies, videogames, music and, since this is a MLP website, I could talk about My Little Pony without having to make different threads in different forums.

Entries in this blog

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - TOP 20 favourite episodes (20-11)

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is an animated TV show that somehow many of us loved for many different reasons. These reasons depends on the person. Someone will say he loves its sense of humor, it's a meme factory, it has ponies, it has pop culture references... These are pretty good reasons for them. To me personally, I love it for the writting, for their inspiring ideas, for adapting these ideas to its animation limitations, for the lovable main characters, for the soundtrack... And, over

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