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minecraft: pocket edition

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A change in my world!

world:sarcus island mode:survival I have had a big change in this minecraft world! First i made a nether reactor core and made the little structure,which also requires 4 gold blocks (took me forever to find enough gold to make 4) and i put the core a little too close to my house and it destroyed a little bit with the nether room,which i fixed soon.When the core reactor was on,it transformed into obsidian,which i grabbed.One thing which was super cool was that a bunch of items popped out of the



Lots of ores!

world: sarcus island mode: survival I went on a big mining adventure and found ALOT of ore! And something that is rare,diamond under gold.I brought along a bunch of pickaxes,including 1 gold pickaxe,2 iron swords,1 iron shovel,a bed, and 86 torches.I ended up finding i think 30 pieces of coal,35 blocks of iron ore (just smelted),12 blocks of gold ore (also just smelted), a crapload of cobblestone,and i think 9 pieces of diamond.I hope you guys enjoyed my little talk!



Creeps the pet creeper!

world: sarcus island mode: survival Meet my pet creeper,Creeps! He's in a hole that was caused by 2 or 3 other creeper explosions.This is nearby my house but not any of my house blew up.He might eventually blow up but for now he will remain as my pet creeper.I made him follow me to the pit and he fell in.I put glass on the top of the pit so i could'nt get too close to him to blow up.Even if there is'nt glass in the picture,its cause i took this pic before i put da glass on



New world!

world: Ralsan world mode: survival This is a brand new world i made probaly about an hour ago and yes i know Ralsan is a weird name i just thought of it. Im so random. Anyways,theres a pic of the first floor of my house.I have a second floor that my bed is on.But to get it i had to kill 3 sheep. Poor little sheep.After i made my first floor of my house i wandered around and there are little piggies wandering around near my house including baby pigs. I wandered a little farther and found a lit



more wool statues!

world: clynon city mode: creative i made some more wool statues,an oshawott and a snivy.I ended up kind've failing on snivy,though.Oshawott was pretty good though.So i hope you enjoy!



awesome nether house! well,so far.?

world:clynon city mode:creative ok so there was an update on minecraft and now i can use nether bricks.I built my 3rd new house on water.My 1st house sucked so i made another one which i did'nt like for some reason.But this one will be the best! tell me watcha think so far!?



minecraft holiday party!?

world:clynon city mode: creative theres this big space on a mountain i made, so i decided to have it be an area where you host a party! i made it a christmas style party!hopefully i can bring ma ipad when i might see my cousins so they can attend my party!i dont know anyon else to have a par with, cause i dont have many friends, and +, its on my ipad thanks for reading!



computer demo: lava and fail obsidian?

world: demo world (on comupter) mode: survivial played the computer version WHOO!! so i spawn next to a chest with items to help me get started, including wood. i found a place to build a house, but the house is really small. i later on found iron and made an iron bucket, with 1 more ingot. i went over to area i found that had lava earlier, and then i filled my bucket with water, then poured water on the lava and i failed. later i found a skeleton that dropped 1 arrow and 1 bone, which then i



a bunch of giant wool statues❕

world: clynon city mode: creative today i was getting bored so i made a bunch of giant wool statues and i made creeper enderman slenderman holding a diamond sword and diamond pickaxe pikachu fix-it felix rainbowdash twilight sparkle my favorite one i made is either slenderman or twilight. i also made my creeper hollow. list which one would seem the coolest in the comments below!?



wool search and creeper scare!?

world: meep world mode: survival today i was searching for a sheep so i could use the wool to make a bed. i found 1 sheep and i used the shears i made and i got 3 wool blocks. later on i dug a 2 block hole down really far. when i went back up a creeper was right there and it scared the crap out of me. i didnt have a sword so i hit it with my pickaxe until it died. im happy it didnt explode!?



its a meep world out there!?

world: meep world mode: survival today i just made this world and i bulit a house from a mountain. right now its got my small entrance room with a crafting table, furnace, and a chest. My 2nd room is a mini indoor wheat farm.Since i don't want to waste my bone meal, im just waiting for ma wheat to be fully grown.?Anyways, later on i went outside and it was nighttime and i went to go kill some spiders and get the string to make wool for a bed. 3 creepers also blew me up and killed me.?it was at



minecran cruise lines and what i thought was herobrine?

world: clynon city mode: creative today i was working on i cruise ship i call minecran cruise line.so far ive made 2 guest rooms, 1 entrance and gift shop, and an art gallery. and while i was making my way to the sky by making higher walls. i started flying up and something i made caught my attention and it freaked me out cause i thought i saw a steve/herobrine.I was pretty relieved to realize that it was this random wool snake i made.?



i want diamond!?

world: sarcus island mode: survival ive been digging 2 block holes all the way down to bedrock and so far ive made 3 of them. ive been doing this so i can find some diamond, but god dangit ive found every ore: coal, iron, lapis lazuli,even redstone and gold. but no matter what i cant find any dang diamond. if you guys have any tips to finding diamond or obsidian easily, write it in the comments below. thanks!



awesome update!?

world: clynon city mode: creative ive just updated minecraft and they have some awesome stuff including seeds which i think are pumpkin,nether core,paintings, grass blocks,glowstone,and melons. i made my last room in my house a mini gallery, and i also made a mini pumpkin farm, as well as i made an art gallery and i also did my best to use all the paintings i could in the gallery. well, thanks for readin ma blog!



Castle clynon?

World: clynon city Mode: creative Today this morning I was working on a gigantic and awesome castle. It's not finished not, but it should be ready in a while. I was putting a ceiling on the castle with stone slabs. I put 3 trees on the roof as well as I made the bedroom Thanks for reading my blog!



2 creepers and a ninja spider?

world: sand land mode: survival i was playing minecraft and it was nightime, and 1 creeper i was hitting with my hand near my house, and the creeper blew up part of my house! i fixed it though. my house is made entirely out of sand, and i live in a desert, so it was easy to fix up. thats why my world is called sand land. anyway, later on i was killing a spider outsid to get string to make wool to make a bed, and right after i killed it, another spider came out of nowhere and it scared the livi



hi to the minecrafters!

hi all you minecraft fans! i don't have the minecraft computer game, but i do have the full version of the pocket edition on my Ipad. im gonna tell about the fun stuff that happens when i play minecraft on the blog entries, including what the world is called, and whether it is a survival mode or creative mode. example of one of my worlds below world: sand land mode: survival thanks for reading my blog!



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