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Things going on in my life and much more!


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Quick Vent - 7/20/2024

Today I was supposed to go to the regional state job fair event as I applied for several jobs and had meetings/interviews scheduled with many prospective employers. I prepared myself in formal attire and had everything ready for my interviews. I was really amped as I was told that I could get job offers on the spot if everything goes well. However, I arrived early and was informed that the entire event was cancelled thanks to a really terrible person who performed a heinous act upon a femal

Starlight Serenade

Starlight Serenade in Life Updates

Happy 4th of July and other things

Happy Independence day?! Today I finished 99.99% of everything due for my summer courses so I will have about a 3 week vacation until my next class which will be nice. I plan to start getting more aggressive with the job searching next week so I can already start a plan for moving out again as I am staying with my folks again at this time. This year we didn't have anyone visit for July 4th, so it has been a quiet 4th of July at home (well other than the 1,000+ fireworks exploding outside my

Regarding "Pride"

I finally got a moment to sit down, calm before the storm for finals week. It's blogging time! Today's entry is titled "Regarding ‘Pride’ “,  referring to Pride month and what it means to me. For most of my life, I never really considered myself as part of the community. Despite growing up in a liberal state(California), I grew up in a conservative family/culture as my family is from Central America. They are very traditional in terms of cultural values and see LGBT+ in a much more neg


Today is already hectic as I am going to be running around a lot. First off, my school update! Things are going well in my online business program for grad school. I recently completed my spring semester and am transitioning to my summer semester. I just found out that my summer courses had a "soft launch" so I have access to my online course content earlier than expected. This summer I am taking two business courses, Operations and Supply Chain Management & Global Marketing. I have nev

Starlight Serenade

Below are some details that I brainstormed over time as I went through a lot of different OC ideas and finally came up with an idea that I loved. Thanks to AI, I was able to brainstorm different designs to bring her to life. I was inspired by my love of music and Starlight Glimmer for her design. Name: Starlight Serenade Species: Alicorn Personality Traits: Passionate Musician: Starlight Serenade’s heart beats in rhythm with the melodies of the universe. She finds sol

The return

Hello everypony, I am back and I wanted to apologize for my sudden absence when I left the forums last year. Just wanted to give a quick life update on where I have been. Last year my folks both had medical emergencies and were hospitalized at one point, but thankfully they have recovered and are doing fairly well. On top of that - I had to deal with other personal issues IRL and that caused me to be busy and focus on things. Some things I cannot speak about here, but I will share abo
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