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VG Stuff

Bunch of video game related links in no particular order. Mostly artbooks with some guides, comics and other things in there. Ayami Konami artbook featuring designs from Castlevania https://archive.org/details/santa-lilio-sangre-ayami-kojima/mode/2up Earthbound Nintendo Player's Guide https://archive.org/details/earthboundnintendoplayersguide1995 Collection of retro game artbooks. https://archive.org/details/RetroGameArtbooksAndIllustrations Demon's Souls (Blac


returned_dragon in Links

Dream Informer #1 - Oneironautics And the Earthbound Soundtrack.

When I was younger, I would spend hours reading about dream topics while listening to the Earthbound soundtrack. The oddity of Earthbound itself and the logic-defying strangeness of the things I was viewing blended together pretty well: even today I associate some of the music with those times. I would use a program to slow the music down and add effects to make them sound even more spaced-out than they already are.  It was a thrilling age. Dreams to me were a doorway to a mysterious realm


returned_dragon in Dream

The Wolf Is In the Corn!

Equestria in MLP Gen 4 is essentially an idealized pre-industrial society at its core.  Basically a divine monarchy run by the limited and frail gods of pre-history, it not infrequently depicts characters and situations reflective of modernity in a negative light. Ponyville is nothing less than a sugar-coated medieval village where the farmers and tradesmen support and care about each other and share extensive personal and occasionally even familial ties. Fall Weather Friends and


returned_dragon in B

MLP Mythology and Changeling Memory

MLP Gen 4 quite obviously draws a great deal from classical mythology: hydras, Pegasus, Mt. Olympus, etc. Even Luna/Celestia are throwbacks to the way that ancient peoples thought about the world. Before modern science came around to suggest otherwise, it was often thought that gods or their helpers directly operated all the natural workings of the universe on a day-to-day basis. The myth of the hostile brothers Osiris and Set comes to mind with Celestia and Luna: every day, Osiris was thou


returned_dragon in Ramble

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