I have to express my appreciation for Maud Pie. While Pinkie Pie is a constant ball of energy and expressiveness, all of the mane six have expressive and unique personalities. Even reserved Fluttershy is expressive with her face and her adorably low-volume voice, but when Maud was introduced I was concerned, and initially, my eyes rolled. I thought, “Let me guess. We have a problem pony. Low-energy, disinterested, introverted (and presented as though introversion is inherently a bad thing), and
Happy Holidays to all!
It's been a difficult, tumultuous, and often unnerving year for everypony. I'm not in the Christmas spirit or a Christmasy person, but I genuinely hope through all the chaos and heartache, those of you who longed for the comfort, feelings of goodwill, and sense of home Christmas brings to you was attained.
I hope you all love your gifts, and I hope everypony you've given gifts receive there's. I hope if nothing else, you can find surrender to another year complet
Wow has it been a rough past couple months. As I phrased it in my last post, addiction is not magic, but sobering up can feel like a miracle. After I made my last post, my relapse got worse. I was getting high and drinking multiple times as my relapse evolved as per the course. For the most part, because I naturally do well in school, my law school grades have still been B's and a few A's, but one class in particular was neglected and I might fail it. Regardless, I graduate the same year, and it
I've been completely absent the past few weeks, so I'll just say it. I'm an addict, and I relapsed. It has been very difficult, and had multiple days where the severity of my withdrawals were the devil's claws restraining me to my bed. A few times I tried to crawl out of it early. I put on the episode, "Bridle Gossip," a go-to episode for the sake of having fun with the show while fighting cravings, and I ended up getting high while watching the episode. I've neglected my studies, my interests,