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Pokemon games

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Rate mai pokemon platinum team!

Helloooo everyone! Im finally back on the forum (hopefully for a while) and a recently at game stop ah got pokemon platinum! So...Yeah.Heres my team! sneasel lv.40 Leafeon lv.40 Starraptor lv.41 empoleon lv.41 luxray lv.41 gabite lv.41 If you wanna moar info about mai team,(Such as moves,abilities,etc.) you can PM me.



pokemon leafgreen: yay dragonair!

yesterday i was playing pokemon leafgreen and i was training my dratini at the ghost tower or whatever its called.after battling a team rocket member my dratini got up to level 30 and it evolved into dragonair.yay! ok thats my short blog entry, bye!



rate my pokemon white 2 team!

ok, so during christmas, i got pokemon white 2!yay! anyways,im not gonna repeat what you guys have to do,well,if you want to. thanks! samurott-lv.40 amoonguss-lv.40 lucario-lv.40 unfezant-lv.40 zoroark-lv.41 krookodile-lv.40 note-i didnt cheat to get my zoroark.at driftveil city, theres a guy that asks you if you want to keep N's old zorua.its one of the seven sages who gives it to you, and he'll lead you to his place.you should figure out when you get there.



pokemon soulsilver: lots of achievements!

ok so alot has happened. i started playing pokemon soulsilver and i was at whirl islands, and it was really hard to figure out, but i eventually reached the area where lugia is.when i went to battle lugia, he killed my weezing with 1 hit. so i just sent out another pokemon, and then used my master ball.then i went to the kanto region to go to victory road.next i finally got to victory road, at the end of it i battled my rival, who i defeated. then i got to the pokemon league. altough i shouldve



pokemon rumbleblast reshiram defeat!

didnt know i played that game,did you! anyways,hi! i was playing it and right now im trying to defeat dark rust. i had to do this one charge level where you repeatiatly press A. my strongest pokemon was hydreigon. i still couldnt defeat that level, so i went to the treetops level and got a bunch of strong pokemon. then i managed to defeat it and the last pokemon was reshiram! now im trying to do the final boss level, and its pretty hard.well, thanks for reading! bye!



rate my pokemon leafgreen team!?

hi everyone! another rate my pokemon team! so, on a scale of 1-10 NO ZEROS! OK?! kk.i only have 3badges so ill edit it whenever my pokemon evolve, level up, or i get my 6th pokemon thanks! venosaur lv.41 raichu lv.41 wigglytuff lv. 41 vaporeon lv.40 ninetales lv.40 Dragonair lv41 edit: ok so i decided to put vaporeon,vulpix, and dragonair.i deleted kadabra and spearow from my team. thanks!



Pokemon soulsilver: kimono girls defeat at last!?

Well yesterday I was training my pokemon and they reached level 38 now.i battled the kimono girls and they're really hard. You have to battle 5 of them without resting your pokemon! So the 1st one had an umbreon, which wasn't too hard, I took it out with my weepinbell. Then I battled the 2nd kimono girl, that had an espeon I fainted with my feraligatr and his shadow claw.3rd .sent out flareon, which I obviously took out with feraligatr and his hydro cannon, the most powerful water type move. Nex



Pokemon soulsilver: lucky 8th gym battle!?

So all my Pokemon are at level 35 and somehow I still beat her! I battled her 1st Pokemon, Gyrados which went down easily with ampharos and her thunderpunch.then she sent out dragonair which I took took out with my newly evolved weezing and his gyro ball. Next was a level 41 kingdra which then I sent out ampharos. During that part of the battle I was lucky because kingdra used hydro pump and missed. I used thunderpunch and I got kingdra paralyzed.later on hydro pump missed again!i defeated him a



Pokemon black: welcome sparky!?

Yesterday I caught a new Pokemon which I nicknamed sparky. This Pokemon was a blitzle but I didn't have enough time to train it. It was a little tough to catch it since every other blitzle I found was level 8.i didn't want a level 8 because my other Pokemon, cookie and Felix,were level. 14 and I don't want to train it up by 6 levels, so I eventually found a level 9.he is a male just so ya'all know.       Welcome to paradise!☀ ?????????????????



pokemon black: felix and cookie?

ive decided to nickname my pokemon in pokemon black and see what it is like. my tepig is named felix and my pansage is named cookie. i just started this game so i only have 2 pokemon on my team. anyways, i really have no idea why i named my pansage cookie, i just thought it sounded cute.And i named my tepig felix because i saw the movie wreck it ralph, and my fav character, fix it felix, i decided to name tepig felix, its cute and, yeah.... you know, fix it felix, amd tepig.... never mind. thank



Rate my Pokemon firered team!

Hi everyone! I've already made a entry for my Pokemon Soulsilver team.Now I'm gonna have you guys rate my firered team! This is my final team, and right now I'm getting them trained for the Pokemon league. Like last time you can do it on a scale of 1-10. Thanks! Blastoise lv. 48 Arcanine lv. 48 Pidgeot lv. 47 Viluplume lv. 48 Jolteon lv. 48 Nidoking lv. 48



Rate my Pokemon Soulsilver team!?

Hi! I want everyone to rate my Pokemon Soulsilver team on a scale of 1-10. Thanks! This is my final team, except I haven't evolved vulpix and weepinbell because I haven't the slightest idea where to find a leafstone or firestone. Well, I know how to get them, I just find it a little hard. feraligatr lv. 38 Togetic lv. 38 Weepinbeel lv. 38 Vulpix lv. 38 ampharos lv. 38 Weezing lv. 38



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