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pictures with funny comments and questions

Entries in this blog

A Creepy Pic

I found this pic and thought it was creepy but then I read the bottom and it kind of seemed... Um... different. what dose everyother pony think?

Silver ice

Silver ice

Pony School

I found this pic and thought that it was cool and funny what dose every other pony think?

Silver ice

Silver ice

Shipping Aj and RD

I have been really gotan into shipping of late and thought "I think Aj and AD would be a great couple" so I have some pics of them to hand to you know (FYI I am going to do daily shipping entrys so keep an eye out for your fav couple)

Silver ice

Silver ice

Ponys as Humans

I was browsing the web like I usaly do and came accrost these there just the ponies as humans but hope u like

Silver ice

Silver ice

Rainbow Dash and Sonic #3

Well if you have read Rainbow Dash and Sonic #'s 1 and 2 you may have seen this comming. what if RD and Sonic well...(most of you are going to freak out when i say this) were a couple. know I know what was i thinking but, hay I have a pic for I gotta say somthing. (no i did not make this pic)

Silver ice

Silver ice

Adult's Are Just Grown Up Kids

I really love this picture and i personally think it represents not only this site but the whole MLP fan base in general. I mean little kids are not the only MLP fans and in fact you need to be 13 to even have an account on this website so basicly repeat this quote when ever any body tells you anything negitive about loving ponies. I know I do.

Silver ice

Silver ice

the Brony Quiz

Now I stumbled upon this pic by accident but now I can place it on here and anybody can proof if they are a brony. It's kind of like a game: if you awnser corectly you qualify and can (in my mind) legaly be called a Brony! So go ahead and see if you can name all the ponies in this pic!

Silver ice

Silver ice


We all know and love bubbly little Derpy, and the time traveling Dr., but what is happening in this pic and is meant to be for eternity?

Silver ice

Silver ice

Pony Style

We all think that the mane 6 look really good with the hair styles they have. but I am willing to change that. Take a look at this pic and you will see what i mean! Now tell me who you think looks best with whos style!

Silver ice

Silver ice

Rainbow Dash and Sonic #2

Now that you have thought about who is faster, would they make a good team? You know like in one of the Sonic games if half way trough you could change into Rainbow Dash!

Silver ice

Silver ice


Nightmare Moon was a intreasting foe but how do we know Luna ever wanted to become Nightmare Moon. I mean she says sorry once she is transformed back into herself. She was just jelous like all of us get, but that is just my theory. What do you guys think, do you think she was just jelous and everything more or less happened by accident or that it was more planned or something totally different?

Silver ice

Silver ice

Twilights Secret Life

Twilight Sparkle may have a seceret, and that secret may be a whole other life. In this pic Rarity has found somthing interesting while snooping and look what she found.

Silver ice

Silver ice

Rainbow Dash and Sonic

We know Rainbow Dash and Sonic are both told to be the fastest from where they came from, but which of the two is faster?

Silver ice

Silver ice


In this pic these colts are thinking somthing. What do you think they are thinking?

Silver ice

Silver ice

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