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Just random things that I think of, or things that happen in my life, or stuff

Entries in this blog

Special Edition Vinyl Figurines at WeLoveFine

So, has anyone seen the new vinyl figurines that they've got at WeLoveFine yet?   These things?   I didn't know that they had these things until I stumbled upon a post about them on the My Little Brony Geekbase page. They look freaking epic.   And they're both limited edition AND you have to do something on the website before you can even add them to your cart!!!   First, you gotta add any one piece of pony merch into your cart on the site. That'll open up the "Scratch Vinyl" acheivm

Count Paradox

Count Paradox


For the past weekend, I have been in a magical place, one where you can dress up and not get weird stares.   It is called... the ANIME FESTIVAL OF WICHITA!!!! I even have pics from it! Enjoy! (MONSTER POST COMING IN! THOU HAST BEEN WARNED!)   Pinkie and Flutters! My buddy personally knew the Pinkie, so that's cool. I found the TARDIS! Looks like Marceline and Finn are having fun shopping! Demyx was nearby, jamming out! Boffer fights are always fun! A lil Princess Bubblegum!

Count Paradox

Count Paradox

Worst. Valentines Day. Evar.

Ok, so, usually, I'm on in the mornings over here, on a computer in my statistics class, being a bawss. It was no different on Valentine's Day. But then, the unthinkable happenned. I was in class, when suddenly...       ENTIRE LOCKDOWN OF THE BUILDING HAPPENNED!!!!!! I was stuck in a dark room, with 20 or so people I didn't know, not able to use the computer, and it was like that for FOUR HOURS!!! It sucked! It was both the worst and most interesting Valentines Day of my life ever.   The

Count Paradox

Count Paradox

Epic Final Fantasy Guy Representin' MLP Forums

Ok, so, lately, I've been playing a LOT of FF music on the radio at work. Two of the most recent nights that I have worked, this one lady comes in and talks to me about it. The first time, she said a song from FFVII: AC sounded familiar, and we started talking FF. The second time, she comes in and says "Hey, it's the Final Fantasy guy!" She asks me about my music, and I tell her it's mostly FF and dubstep. She then asked, for some reason, if I was a Redditer, a 4chaner, or a Digger, and I just l

Count Paradox

Count Paradox

Adorable tumblr account

Ok, I was kinda bored and looked up Vinyl and Tavi things on the tumblrverse. http://askvinylandoctavia.tumblr.com/   this shist is adorable enough to make me fall out of my chair with laughter sometimes. look at it, you might enjoy it.

Count Paradox

Count Paradox

Brony music at work!

Ok, so I work at this little, dinky fuel station, about the size of a small bedroom, if even that big. It gets boring as hell there, y'know? So guess what I do for fun! I PLUG IN MY IPOD TO THE RADIO AND PLAY BRONY MUSIC! Although it bugs my co-workers, I still play it, and most of the customers are interested in what's playing!

Count Paradox

Count Paradox

Lottery Insanity!

I really hope I never hear the word "POWERBALL TICKET" again... It was so totally insane at my job at the fuel station last night with all of those people coming in and buying all of those tickets, I never got a chance to clean or anything! I never thought it would END!!!! But, then again, I DID end up buying some tickets myself... Didn't win anything, ut bought some all the same...

Count Paradox

Count Paradox

Gah, school...

I am so bucking tired of having to drive almost an hour just to get to class! Why can't my college just do some telecasting or some stuff to make it easier on those of us who have to commute all the freaking way across town!? I just don't understand why the don't do this one simple thing, I know there are pleanty of other students who live nearby me who would agree.

Count Paradox

Count Paradox

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