Yes, I have been knowing about ASP and PHP alot of time.
And I'd actually like to compare.
Which one will be better for most people. And which once will run on your web server.
First lets get started with the obvious
PHP is Cross-Platorm, meaning it supports Windows, Mac, and Linux. ASP is windows only
ASP is semi-difficult to learn. PHP just takes 1 hour to 24 hours
ASP goes slightly faster than PHP
PHP is open-source, ASP is closed-source.
PHP is a framework of Zend Scripting,
Actually, as we all know.
hip hop music is dead, sadly ;(
It was good while it lasted tho.
Anyway, from listening to hip hop and rap again. I just noticed this:
Hip-Hop is EXACTLY like Rap! Just slower beat, no basslines, and less lyrics w/ swearings/cussing.
Comparing them, only thing I found diff. is this:
Hip-Hop is slow beat (95 to 110 bpm), while Rap isnt (110 bpm to 140 bpm)
Rap has basslines, Hip-Hop doesnt, but some do. But if there are any, I couldn't fine one.
The title just says it all.
Nobody wants to roleplay in ponyville steam group
And they all reply veryyyyy slow
So if you'd like to voice call me and talk about anything, add me, my username nulldeveloper.
And if I decline the voice call that means my parents came home
I only liked thursdays in school weeks not just cuz its friday tomorrow on that day
But one thing, libraries.
Yea, lirbary room will be taken away for preschool room.
And the librarian was the coolest librarian you will ever meet
you can actually talk anything to her! ANYTHING! D:
well R.I.P my school library
I've tried the following games:
Call of duty,
Team Fortress 2,
Dota 2,
Portal 2,
Windows Pinball.
I am bad at all of them. Not joking.
Minecraft, Im only good at redstone, Im bad at building, pvp, pve, etc.,
Call of duty, I die 50 times just to get 1 kill. My KD ration is 0.21
Terraria, I always die somehow.
Team Fortress 2, I've never been able to get 1 kill without dieing more than 5 times.
Dota 2, I dont know how to play it xD
Portal 2, I ge
Well I should be asleep right now but mlp is keeping me awake xD.
So yea, its finally december, yay! Now only if it snowed in California
Anyway, novemeber passed by fast, im glad its over, and yea. Because that means 1 month near summer vacation xD