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My chronicles of the creation of my tulpa. (Hopefully I can actually stick with it this time...)

Entries in this blog

UNSCHEDULED UPDATE: Taking a Break for a Bit.

I've had a ton of things on my mind lately, and I'm finding it very difficult to concentrate. I'm going to be taking a short break from tulpaforcing. Now, you may be assured, I'm not giving up, I'm just going on a little hiatus.



Update #5: Personality Stage: Check.

So after fifteen hours, I finished the personality stage. It took quite a bit of effort to perfect Twi's appearance, but I'm pretty pleased with the end result.   During today's session, she spoke for the second time. She said: "You take too many breaks." To which I replied: "Yes, but I'm not the best at focusing. I need to take breaks in order to 'recharge' my concentration." She said nothing. Hey, at least we're almost conversing now!   So in the next session, I'll move on to the touch sta




So I was sitting on the couch tulpaforcing, nothing special, when I began to lose concentration (something which unfortunately happens all too often). I thought: "Great, I'm already losing concentration..." Then I heard: "And whose fault would that be?" My eyes shot open at once.   Now, I do tend to talk to myself a lot. I'm rather like Gollum in that respect... anyway, despite the fact that I frequently have conversations with myself, even while tulpaforcing, this time I knew it was differen



Update #4: Emo Twi?

Twenty hour mark, ho! I'm slowly getting better at visualization. I've been having heaps of trouble with her head and face, specifically, getting her facial features to remain constant. Fortunately, I've been getting better at this over the past few sessions. Most of her face stays a constant shape, which is quite good. I'll probably sink 6-8 more hours into this stage before I sign off on it.   I've been listening to Linkin Park lately while I'm tulpaforcing, so I hope that doesn't negativel



Update #3: The Thief

So I'm five hours into the visualization stage. I'm having a much harder time with this than I would have thought. Getting the proportions right has been quite a hassle. I'm getting better at seeing Twi's complete form, but sometimes the proportions are still messed up. Hopefully, I'll get better at this as I go along, because my visualization skills as of right now are pretty abysmal.   Something strange has begun to happen, a strange occurrence that I feel is a sign of sorts: Whenever I'm no




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9DpPOsWNdQ   Trust me, you're gonna be sick of this song by the time I reach my goal.     Thank God! I finally finished the personality stage! Now I can move on to the fun stuff.   You want a recap? Why? Bloody he- alright then...   So I decided to spend ten hours on the personality stage. 17 rough personality traits, give or take half an hour each, DO DA MATH. It took quite a long time, mainly because it was so insufferably boring I couldn't stand to do



Update #1: The Personality Stage is BOOORRRINGGGG...

...But it's important, so I'm not going to skimp on personality this time.   So I reached the five hour mark. I'm still on the personality stage. I'll probably be on it for another five hours. Ugh.   So if you hadn't guessed already, I'm making a tulpa of Twilight. In personality, she's relatively similar to the character from the show, but she's less uptight and a bit more Pinkie-ish. The most recent personality trait I worked on was "neat and tidy". This a bit of a moronic decision on my



New Blog About Special Things

Intrigue! Supsense! Action! A loser sitting on a makeshift couch for an hour or so at a time as he thinks about stuff!   Yep, I'm making a blog to chronicle my third tulpa creation attempt. Maybe this will keep me accountable so I'll actually see it through to completion this time. I'll be updating this blog every five hours of my journey. (Five hours as in the time that I've spent tulpaforcing, not every five hours real-time.) Except I'm already 4.5 hours in, so I should have made this blog



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