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About this blog

I've spent a lot of time here on the forums, and even though I have never been a highly active member I have a lot to be thankful for from this place. This blog will be used solely to express my thankfulness in the best way I know how: In detail&

Entries in this blog

Peachy Keen

Okay, so it's time to express my gratitude to yet another person who has showed me love and changed my life drastically from here on the forums! This time it's not a bald man, so don't worry, guys! It's a lovely lady! But she's taken, so there's nothing to get excited about, either! This time around I'm expressing my thanks to the lovely @@PeachPalette!     When I first stumbled upon Peach, it was just as she joined the forums. I was a moderator back then and stood watch only over the qu



Thank a Bald Man

Hey there! If you're reading this you've stumbled across my latest blog, which is dedicated to expressing my thanks to the people of the forums whom I call my friends. What better way to start this blog out than with the first friend I had here on the site?     That's right. None other than our forum's great and benevolent bald Administrator, Zoop. When I first joined this place there are a few things you just might not believe about this man. First off, this guy would not make his avatar a



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