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Recovery and Summer

So, I'm feeling better after the surgery. And that's good. I finally took my last final, meaning... I'm now out of high school... And I will be a college freshman in the fall...   I'm looking forward to several things in this summer, and the release of Skillet's new album is one of them. Here's the title song, Rise. http://loudwire.com/skillet-rise-exclusive-song-premiere/   And don't worry, I'll be taking things a little slower than normal for several weeks so that my recovery won't be too



No, I'm not dead yet...

Like the title says, despite my sudden disappearance, I'm still alive. So, I will explain my absence...   Wednesday, I woke up 7:30 AM my time, and had general stomach pain. So I ate a big breakfast, which didn't help, so I got on my side and pretty much slept for a few hours. But when I went upstairs and got in the car to go see Oblivion with my dad, there was a slight pain. I even left in the middle of the movie because I felt like throwing up. But I never threw up... I told my dad that I h




Captain's log: Date: April 13, 2013 Time: 4:47 AM Location: Home   Well, I woke up just about... oh, 17-ish minutes ago? Eight hours of sleep total, although it still feels weird to be up with that much sleep this early. My right ear is still ringing a good deal, meaning I may have damaged the eardrum yesterday while trying to clear it. Oh boy. And at 5:30 AM, I'm going to be leaving on a 3 hour road trip up north, so I won't have internet all day, pretty much. It's seriously going to be



One Year Anniversary

Oh, hey. Check it out. I've been on the forums for a whole year now. So am I going to pass it by and say it's no big deal? Actually, no. Below is a recap of possibly the best year of my life.   Over a year ago, some time around March 25th or something like that, I became a brony. True story. I eventually heard of this site, and joined one year ago. Now, I didn't do anything until the 8th, I think it was, but hey. Like the previous forum I was on for a few years, I looked up to the popular



Just thinking about friends...

I be noticed something... I guess it is a bit odd, but when I look for friends (mostly here) nowadays, I've noticed I start looking for female friends. Now, yes, I am a straight, teenage male, but really, that has just about nothing to do with it. For whatever reason, I just like talking with girls. I don't try to flirt with all of them, or make myself known to all of them, but talking with them... I find it's somehow a little better than talking with guys. No offense; it's not wrong to be one g



From: Funniest user on the forums?

Source: Funniest user on the forums?   Well, it started as a serious thread, now turned joke thread, maybe getting serious again thread.   It's mind-boggling, but it's a poll, so go vote for MLPForums' funniest user!



10,000 times 2

Yup. Number 20,000 has been given out.   CONGRATULATE HER!!!1!! Next time, at 30,000, I'll probably just brohoof everything and figure out who got it later.



Wait for it...

A few months ago, on October 14, 2012, I set a new MLPforums record: 10,000 brohooves given. The lucky Miss got my 10,000th, and a lot of people got excited for a short time. Now, I've passed the 15,000 mark, and am approaching a new high score. I've been afraid of @Starshine and for a little while, because I feared that they would catch me and get way more brohooves than I have. Well, with this new record in sight, it seems my fears are, at least for now, unjustified. The record? 20,000 bro



Ok, so... I'm back.

I'm 'fully' back in the fandom now. I saw the first three episodes of Season 3 today. That's right. I just said that. I'm into the show again. And after Brook interviewed me. He should interview me again.   But, yeah, so now I'm understanding where some of the new memes come from. And I kinda liked the episodes.   There. I said it. Thank Seraphim. I'm back!



Me, brohoofs, and questions

I've noticed I have a lot of friends on these forums. Over 400, to be exact. And I'm starting to notice I'm getting profile views from people I haven't really seen on the forums. I'm sure I know the reason behind this, but it's making me wonder: how well known am I (as in, people know to a degree who I am when my username is mentioned), how popular am I in specific areas and in general, and how spread out over the forums am I?   I mean, giving out 17,700+ brohooves is quite a big deal, and I d



My life

I'm not in my mad/sad state, but I'm questioning what to do with my life. This week, I have a lot of free time. Community college doesn't start until next Monday. I'm debating looking for a job, but the place where my parent's recommend is closed Sundays and Mondays. (They recommend it because its less than .3 miles away and it's closed on Sundays.) and to spend all day studying and reviewing Chemistry and Calc I for a week...   I'm not going to spend a lot of time on my iPad or my computer f



Rant about my family and life

Where to start...   What you may not know is I cannot wait to get away from my family. I look forward to going to the community college to start my classes so I don't have to deal with them. My older brother said I was the one being rude to the others, and they all blame my "extensive" time on the Internet. [sarcasm] Yet I love how they can do what they want on the Internet for hours while I can't, and how my older brother can be rude to the others (it feels like it's pointed mostly at me) af



Rant about the new year

Ok, so I'll admit it: I don't really care for new year celebrations (at least right now). My reaction: Why? It's a waste of time. Some of us here stay up to midnight almost every night already. I know, 'a new year is a new start,' but you could have a new start any time. I know and understand that we use years to help keep track of time, but do we really need to make such a big deal about a new one? I just don't get it. To me, it's beyond reason. I'm not trying to offend people who love welcom



Well... This sucks...

So it's the holiday season. Yay. Problem is, I've gotten into the habit of staying up late. And some of you may know that brings out bad thoughts in me... Like now, yet again. I'll feel happy, and thirty minutes later, I'm slightly depressed. It sucks, especially when you know everyone else is having fun. I'm going o try to sleep it off, but any suggestions for later would be nice. Thanks, night, and happy holidays.



It's happening again...

I finally solved the mystery of my mood swings: I screw up and always feel really bad about it afterwards.   I screwed up again today (more like last night). So here I am, wondering why this other user and I aren't talking, and, of course, I had screwed up. And now, again, I feel bad.   I guess that's just me. I'm just that one guy who wastes time because I'm socially awkward, and by not not being able to comic ate correctly, I wreck relationships.   I'm slowing killing myself mentally...



Re: Minecraft

So I'm using the demo version. And I was going to try to get help to build a house. But, instead, I went exploring a bit and got TOTALLY lost. But it was ok. I killed some sheep, pigs, chickens, and a couple of cows, got trapped in a cave for a day, got lost in a mine, and ended up here: A little later, I climbed one of those mountain thingies and saw this:   It is official. I need to know if the iPad version is compatible with the computer version and if the iPad version is worth the $7




I discovered the epicness of Minecraft last night. Now I want it. The only problem is I either can't buy it (for my laptop) and I don't want to spend another $6.99 like I did for Need for Speed: Most Wanted for Minecraft for my iPad... So much sadness. I'm trying to figure out what to do now...



First World Problems... Ish...

For these of you with a Twitter account, let me ask you this... Have you ever been minding your own business, maybe having just recently followed someone on Twitter, and the next thing you know, you have someone you have never heard about following? Well, ok, so I have six followers, four of whom I know personally. The fifth has some nearly 5K followers and is a Christian musician. No biggie, right? Well, the sixth is Ceren Aksan Mumcu, a violinist and photographer from Instanbul. Somehow, afte




I see myself as one who can have great visions of what something should look like when I think in terms of, say, video games, starships, and other things like those. And that's great. Most of what I see I consider to look brilliant, and it might be brilliant, but...   I can't draw, and never have motivation to try. And I don't usually have motivation to explain these things, or I can't word the visions correctly. Other times, I feel as if the thing will never happen.   Honestly, sometimes th



From: Use Only Vowels!

Source: Use Only Vowels!   New game. And this one is actually interesting. I wonder who made it...? e u e ey aeoe. (He must be pretty awesome.)



iPad games: Asphalt7 vs. Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Lets start with Asphalt7:   (I apologize for the way this is set up, but somehow, my iPad and this site didn't agree, so scroll down and match the numbers above the sentences. The "v"s signify which sentence belongs to which picture.)   1 v The opening loading screen. It looks nice... 2 v The home screen. It works. 3 v The screen for missions. I like this game because you can race without doing missions. 4 v Tier Seven car select: a Ferrari FXX Evo, the fastest car I own, second fast




Congrats to Cloud Chaser, who got my 10,000 brohoof!   Posted Cloud Chaser on 01 September 2012 - 12:47 AM It's almost impossible that they would end MLP:FiM, a successful show that's making them a lot of money. My heart would shatter if FiM ended before it reached Season 6.   We planned that she would post in the General Chat Thread, but it didn't quite work out, and I decided to "end it" now. Still, it's a record (I think)!




True story, you must read this! Tomorrow (Sunday), I will give out my 10,000 brohoof! TRUE STORY! So, if you want to see it, just be ready!!



An Announcement with a Possible Record...

By now, most of you will know that getting brohoofs from me isn't special. At times, it may even be annoying. But soon, I have realized that I will have given out over 10,000 brohoofs.   That's right. You didn't misread that. I will have given out over 10,000 brohoofs. So, we should have some celebration and/or art contest and/or something else... And the winner if we do that will get my 10,000 brohoof...   We should send this to Feld0 even...   Anyway, yeah... pretty big news... ish...



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