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Warning: Anything I write here will give you a headache.

Entries in this blog

Wolfie rambles about nothing. Like always.

Grumpy Wolfie is very grumpy.   But that's nothing new. I'm always grumpy. ...I need some damn Pepsi.     ANYWAAAAY... Hello brickwall. Tonight I'll be rambling about the following topics: Xmas presents, my b-day (blech), snowponies, and the card I made for my mom's b-day (yay).       Xmas has come and gone. Our xmas was small, but nice. Over the course of December, I had gotten quite a lot of gifts (or, at least, it feels like I had gotten a lot of stuff) despite me repeatedly telli

Wolf Angel

Wolf Angel

Wolfie's Rambles: All Nighter Style

'Ello my little brickwall and lurkers.   Wolfie here, talking about absolutely nothing--like always! Today's topics include: why I say hello to a brickwall (which will make me sound insane), my lurkerness (which will make me sound even more insane), and my christmas gifts for my mom. Oh, and I'll be showing off my Alicorn Amulet that I made Sunday. Yes, I actually went and made one.   So, let the rambling begin!   ~Why I say hello to a brickwall "Brickwall" is my blog audience--A.K.A. no

Wolf Angel

Wolf Angel

Wolfie rambles about nothing

Hello. It's me, Wolfie, doing nothing productive except talking to my metaphorical brickwall here. :3   This morning, I'll be rambling like I normally do. Today's topics are; ~Pokemon ~Pony merch     So... here we go~   Recently, I received the new Pokemon games; Black 2 and White 2. Couple days ago, I beat White 2, and I am now dicking around exploring and.... whatnot. I also got two Genesects thanks to having two games. (One to keep, the other to probably use as a trade token.) I hav

Wolf Angel

Wolf Angel

Silly Blog~ (Ponysona's Birthday!)

Ello there~   Today I'm going to type up a silly blog. Why? Eh, I just need to do something to take my mind off other things...   SO! SILLY BLOG TIME!   And what is it about? Well, today's topic is about my ponysona, Lunar Tears. More specifically, today is officially her birthday! This entry will be like a timeline on how I created her, and an explanation of her name, and a few other things~ Enjoy.     So... way back last year on October 26th, 2011, I finally made a pony character f

Wolf Angel

Wolf Angel

Rant Time #2!

-insert groans, facepalms, and complaining from the audience here-     So right now I have a splitting headache, and I'm in a ranty mood. So I feel I should rant about something stupid before my ranty mood turns into a bad mood and I snap off at someone. (Which I'll probably end up doing right here in this rant. Ooops~)   Today I'll be ranting about alicorns. I actually had a novel of an essay written about this subject, but then I said "fuck it" and decided to just make this all short (or

Wolf Angel

Wolf Angel

Wolfie's newest pony merch!

Hi brickwall~ Long time no... entry.   No I'm not ranting. Today I'll be sharing my new merch I bought uhh... last Wednesday~ ^ 3^   So basically me and my mom went to Toys r Us. Reason? Mainly I think my mom was trying to cheer me up and wanting us both out of the house for a small while. And it worked. I had fun. And I think she did, too.   So anyway, we both scouted Toys r Us top to bottom, searching for ponies. It was like a treasure hunt~!   We got a Pinkie Pie bubble blower, some s

Wolf Angel

Wolf Angel

Late Night Ramble

Hi my little brickwall~   Wolfie here, rambling for no reason because it is currently 5:15AM and I'm tired yet feel like doing multiple things. (Oh, and for the record, I've been up allllll night~)   For one, I feel like drawing, but when I pick up my drawing book, my drive to draw dies in 10 seconds flat. *ba-dum-tish*   Two, I feel like making a silly little brony ID card after I found a ID necklace holder thingy in my room. But I'm feeling lazy. So far, I only have a border made.   T

Wolf Angel

Wolf Angel

Rant Time! #1

Eeyup. It's time for my first rant! So lets get started~   Rant topic: Love and Tolerate Rant level: possible foul language, possible hate, potential for hypocrisy, 50% chance for headaches, 80% chance of butthurt   (Surprise! It's not about alicorns! Oh, but that rant will be coming real soon. And it will be a doozy~)   Okie dokie.   So first, I will say that the phrase "Love and Tolerate" doesn't bother me in the slightest. In my personal opinion, "Love and Tolerate" looks better on s

Wolf Angel

Wolf Angel

Testing the waters...

...because I am a noodle.     So, I've jumped on the blog bandwagon.   I've done these things before on Gaia. Except those were called "Journals". (But they were pretty much the same thing~)   Anyhow, what will I use this thing for? Rants~ Because I love to rant about pointless shit~ |D   I think this blog thingamajig will be a lovely alternative to having to post in the forums about said rants, because ranting to a proverbial wall is much, much safer than ranting on a thread and then

Wolf Angel

Wolf Angel

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