Doctor XFizzle Let's Play! RIGHT NOW! - Pokemon Blue - Day 4 You Mean I Can't Order Drinks at Cinnabar?
Well I don't know how to stream but I'm starting a brand new game of Pokemon Blue on an GBA emulator. I'll be posting updates and stuff as I go along here.
Opponent's Name: BUTT?!
Badges: 8
Pokedex: 84
Current Location: Elite Four
Current Party:
Abby (Charizard) - Lv. 40 - Slash, Seismic Toss, Fire Blast, Cut
Bird Jesus (Pidgeot) - Lv. 40 - Fly, Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Sky Attack
Butters (Butterfree) - Lv. 39 - Mega Drain, Stun Spore, Psychic, Solarbeam
Kizaru (Raichu) - Lv. 42 - Thunderbolt, Mega Punch, Thunder Wave, Thunder
Slashie (Sandslash) - Lv. 41 - Rock Slide, Earthquake, Dig, Slash
Lappy (Lapras) - Lv. 41 - Body Slam, Ice Beam, Surf, Blizzard
Former Party Members: Weedle, Geodude, Nidorino, Raticate, Hitmonchan
In PC:
Box 1: Weedle, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Clefairy, Paras. Geodude, Mr. Mime, Bellsprout, Meowth, Farfetch'd, Diglett, Nidoran (F), Nidorino, Magikarp, Voltorb, Onix, Machop, Vulpix,
Box 2: Eevee, Raticate, Gastly, Cubone, Doduo, Snorlax, Rhyhorn, Exeggcute, Venonat, Nidorina, Poliwag, Tauros, Pinsir, Fearow, Dratini, Krabby, Goldeen, Slowpoke, Psyduck, Chansey
Box 3: Ditto, Hitmonchan, Magnemite, Electrode, Magneton, Tangela, Shellder, Staryu, Horsea, Tentacool, Ponyta, Grimer, Muk, Koffing, HIS HOLYNESS OMANYTE, Magmar, Aerodactyl, Zapdos, Seel, Articuno
Box 4: Seaking, Kingler, Seadra, Slowbro, Machoke, Venomoth, Moltres
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