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Weddings #18 and #19 - President Doge X Trixie & Danfo98 X Fluttershy (the 2nd)



The following are the last two weddings I will be doing for a while. I actually did these weddings months ago, but it took me a while to get around to posting them...for reasons. (like figuring out where I'm gonna move)


To the ones I did the weddings for, I apologize for keeping you waiting.


Enjoy the following transcripts.




President Doge X Trixie


[4:02:50 PM] Kel Grym: So.



[4:02:53 PM] Kel Grym: Wedding?



[4:03:01 PM] President Doge .: Sure



[4:03:19 PM] Kel Grym: Excellent



[4:03:59 PM] Kel Grym: *plays wedding music*



[4:04:41 PM] hwut: blogentry-25708-0-35333400-1414498186.gif



[4:04:46 PM] Jump Cut: sits in a pew



[4:05:01 PM] * Kel Grym steps up to podium



[4:06:19 PM] Kel Grym: We are gathered her on this auspicious day, to celebrate the union of user and pony. Are the groom and bride present?



[4:06:41 PM] President Doge .: Yes



[4:07:18 PM] *hwut whispers to fleetfoot "I hope seth doesn't find out about this, then we'll never get him to go to bed"



[4:07:23 PM] * :Flutterdash: and Fluttershy sit down in a 2nd row pew.



[4:07:48 PM] Kel Grym: And what about the bride?



[4:08:53 PM] Jorguil Ferris: *sitting in the back.*



[4:09:02 PM] Trixie: The Great and Powerful Trixie is present



[4:09:17 PM] Kel Grym: Wonderful.



[4:10:48 PM] Kel Grym: Do you, President Doge, take this mare with an unparalleled sense of self worth to be you lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and health and ursa minor or major attacks, until death do you part?



[4:11:36 PM] * Jump Cut puts arm around AJ



[4:11:58 PM] * hwut Holds Fleetfoot as she again passes out



[4:12:26 PM] President Doge .: Without a doubt



[4:13:45 PM] Kel Grym: And do you Trixie Lulamoon, take this executive hound, to be your lawfully wedded husband through better or worse, until a terrible gut wrenching accident befalls you and sheds your mortal coil?



[4:15:06 PM] * :Flutterdash: puts arm around Fluttershy, nuzzling her as they watch.



[4:15:48 PM] Trixie: Yes



[4:16:10 PM] Kel Grym: Alrighty then! Any obnoxious objections?



[4:16:21 PM] Jorguil Ferris: Yes



[4:16:41 PM] Jorguil Ferris: I want to know if she is related to star swirl.



[4:16:53 PM] hwut: I hope seth doesn't show up



[4:17:02 PM] Kel Grym: couldn't that wait until after the marriage?



[4:17:15 PM] Jorguil Ferris: Yes



[4:17:20 PM] Kel Grym: ._.



[4:17:42 PM] Kel Grym: Since there are no rational objections...



[4:17:53 PM] hwut: Seth



[4:18:14 PM] Kel Grym: I pronounce you man and waifu in the name of Holy Celestia. You may kiss the bride.



[4:21:39 PM] * President Doge . kisses Trixie



[4:22:22 PM] Jump Cut: claps



[4:22:26 PM] * Kel Grym is shocked the church is still standing.



[4:22:27 PM] Jump Cut: blogentry-25708-0-03406200-1414498204.png



[4:22:37 PM] :Flutterdash:: blogentry-25708-0-03406200-1414498204.png



[4:22:42 PM] hwut: blogentry-25708-0-35333400-1414498186.gif



[4:24:45 PM] * President Doge . begins to walk out of the church with Trixie



[4:25:15 PM] Jorguil Ferris: shoot now I will never know.




Danfo98 X Fluttershy (the 2nd)



[4:16:10 PM] Kel Grym added danfo98.



[4:18:00 PM] Kel Grym: Wedding time!



[4:18:11 PM] Andrew the Mad: Yay!



[4:18:20 PM] hwut: who is getting married?



[4:18:24 PM] Daniel Ford: Me



[4:18:32 PM] *LibraryLover walks into cobwebs



[4:18:33 PM] hwut: to whom?



[4:18:34 PM] Jorguil Ferris: I almost thought this place fell in on itself.



[4:18:44 PM] Kel Grym: Ikr?



[4:18:55 PM] Andrew the Mad: It did, I fixed it up, because I'm mad



[4:19:01 PM] Fluttershy : um....... Me I guess



[4:19:21 PM] Pinkie: OOOH WEDDING



[4:19:56 PM] Kel Grym: Alrighty then. I think we have enough witnesses for the ceremony. Lets begin.



[4:20:07 PM] LibraryLover: blogentry-25708-0-03406200-1414498204.png



[4:20:12 PM] * Kel Grym plays wedding music.



[4:20:24 PM] Daniel Ford: *clears throat *



[4:20:24 PM] Andrew the Mad: *does mad things*



[4:20:40 PM] * Kel Grym steps up to the podium.



[4:20:42 PM] Kel Grym: Ahem...



[4:20:52 PM]* Jorguil Ferris just sits and watches.



[4:20:54 PM] * Kel Grym steps down from the podium



[4:20:57 PM] Andrew the Mad: Sorry, that chipmunk running across the floor is mine



[4:21:15 PM] Kel Grym: I'll brb. I need to smoke first. 4 minutes tops.



[4:21:28 PM] Fluttershy : I love chipmunks!!



[4:21:28 PM] *Andrew the Mad releases the ducks



[4:21:39 PM] Andrew the Mad: It's a rabid chipmunk



[4:21:42 PM] Andrew the Mad: Don't go near it



[4:21:56 PM] *Fluttershy uses the stare



[4:21:57 PM] hwut: blogentry-25708-0-35333400-1414498186.gif



[4:22:08 PM] Andrew the Mad: *chipmunk eats itself*



[4:22:10 PM] Andrew the Mad: Huh



[4:22:12 PM] Andrew the Mad: Odd



[4:22:17 PM] ChikoritaBrony: blogentry-25708-0-35333400-1414498186.gif



[4:22:21 PM] Andrew the Mad: I didn't know he could do that



[4:22:40 PM] Fluttershy : oh my!



[4:22:54 PM] Andrew the Mad: Oh, and I think I left my mineturtle around here somewhere



[4:22:58 PM] Andrew the Mad: Don't tread on it



[4:23:20 PM] Andrew the Mad: If he says hello, run, because something will land on him and set the mine off



[4:23:30 PM] Daniel Ford: *BOOM* I think I found it.



[4:23:31 PM] Andrew the Mad: I really don't know why that always happens



[4:23:52 PM] hwut: them damn mine turtles



[4:23:55 PM] Andrew the Mad: Yeah



[4:24:07 PM] Andrew the Mad: *releases a few dozen mineturtles, because mad*



[4:24:10 PM] Andrew the Mad: ooops



[4:24:15 PM] Kel Grym: back



[4:24:20 PM] * Kel Grym steps back to podium



[4:24:38 PM] Kel Grym: Nothing...wierd happened when I was gone?



[4:24:43 PM] Andrew the Mad: Sorry, i think one of the ducks did it's business on the podium



[4:24:55 PM] * Kel Grym looks down at feet.



[4:25:00 PM] * Kel Grym grumbles.



[4:25:14 PM] :Flutterdash:: The confession booth is totally clean...for now.



[4:25:29 PM] * hwut sleeps



[4:25:37 PM] *Andrew the Mad pulls three fully grown african elephants out of pocket



[4:25:45 PM] Kel Grym: I dont even.....



[4:25:52 PM] Andrew the Mad: I wondered where I had put them.



[4:25:53 PM] *Daniel Ford goes to find restroom.



[4:25:56 PM] Kel Grym: No you don't!



[4:26:04 PM] Kel Grym: Were doing this...no more delays!



[4:26:10 PM] Andrew the Mad: The rest rooms have King Cobras in them



[4:26:21 PM] Andrew the Mad: Very angry ones



[4:26:21 PM] Kel Grym: they probably do.



[4:26:26 PM] Kel Grym: Ahem!



[4:26:32 PM] *Andrew the Mad splits in two



[4:26:39 PM] Andrew the Mad: Oooh, there's two of me



[4:26:40 PM] Andrew the Mad: Oooh, there's two of me



[4:27:03 PM] Kel Grym: We are gathered here today to celebrate the blessed union of man and pony, by the divine grace of Celestia most high.



[4:27:19 PM] Andrew the Mad: *eats popcorn*



[4:27:20 PM] Andrew the Mad: *eats popcorn*



[4:27:26 PM] Kel Grym: ...



[4:27:33 PM] * Kel Grym shakes head.



[4:27:33 PM] Daniel Ford: OH NO! HOMEWORK!



[4:27:36 PM] Andrew the Mad: Sorry, do continue



[4:27:38 PM] Andrew the Mad: Sorry, do continue



[4:27:51 PM] Kel Grym: What really? Can homework wait?



[4:28:09 PM] Daniel Ford: Fairly easy though



[4:28:11 PM] Andrew the Mad: Homework can always wait



[4:28:18 PM] Andrew the Mad: Homework can always wait



[4:28:45 PM] * Kel Grym is certain he needs to see a doctor about his double vision and hearing impairment.



[4:28:55 PM] Kel Grym: Alright, lets just wrap this up.



[4:28:59 PM] Andrew the Mad: No, there is two of me



[4:28:59 PM] Andrew the Mad: No, there is two of me



[4:29:05 PM] Andrew the Mad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVMLqeNwDlE



[4:29:12 PM] * Kel Grym ignores insanity



[4:29:47 PM] Andrew the Mad: *puts elephants back in pocket*



[4:29:56 PM] Kel Grym: Do you, Daniel Ford, take Fluttershy *checks count* #2, as you lawfully bewedded wife, in sickness and in health, until death do ye part?



[4:30:04 PM] Daniel Ford: I do



[4:30:21 PM] * Andrew the Mad silently gets out stethoscope



[4:31:15 PM] Kel Grym: And do you, Fluttershy, take Daniel Ford as your lawfully bewedded husband, in sickness and in health, through chimera attack, and raging dragon migrations, until a horrid, slow, and painful death do ye part?



[4:31:48 PM] Daniel Ford: Fluttershy: umm, I do



[4:32:05 PM] LibraryLover: blogentry-25708-0-03406200-1414498204.png



[4:32:12 PM] hwut: YAY WEDDINGS



[4:32:40 PM] Kel Grym: Excellent! Then by the powers granted to me by the ULC, under the holy authority of Celestia most high, I do pronounce ye man and wife. You may kiss the bride via the (/me) command.



[4:33:21 PM] * Daniel Ford kisses Fluttershy



[4:33:24 PM] Andrew the Mad: If anyone wants to have a heart attack or any other sudden medical condition, the doctor is in the house, so do it soonish



[4:33:48 PM] * Kel Grym realized he forgot to ask if anyone objects again...



[4:33:53 PM] * Kel Grym shrugs shoulders



[4:34:07 PM] *Fluttershy blushes



[4:34:08 PM] Andrew the Mad: Elephant number four does, but he's an idiot, ignore him



[4:34:38 PM] Kel Grym: I find myself ignoring a lot of things that go against my notions of standard reality these days.




And that's it folks!


I am done with pony weddings for an indefinite amount of time. If I did not do a wedding for you, I am terribly sorry, but i just need to do other things with my time.


No hard feelings and all that...


But by all means don't let me have the monopoly on pony weddings.


Thank you for reading and to all that participated, a very special thank you to you guys!


~Ta! ta!~

  • Brohoof 2

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