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Castle Sweet Castle Episode thoughts and review



Well, this review is late.


I was looking online and was brain dead as to what to write for my next blog, and saw a HUGE amount of episode reviews for Castle, Sweet Castle, the latest episode of My Little Pony. Now, it is wierd that this is coming out late, since I watched it live on Equestria TV on Saturday, but I do have a policy for not writing blogs on weekends. That policy will be my downfall, I swear. Anyways, off of that topic, it is time for my thoughts on this episode! Remember, SPOILERS!


Ok, so if I was to say that the Season 5 opener showed that this was going to be a great (if not the best) Season, then this episode has confirmed my thoughts on it. Like, oh my goodness! It probably doesnt help that I have watched Dr. Wolfs analysis of the episode, so I will try my best to not repeat things he has already made apparent.


Ok, well story wise, the episode wasnt as good as The Cutie Map. But at the same time, the Season Opener had more time to establish a story than this episode. Considering that Castle Sweet Castle is a slice of life story, it was a fantastic episode dealing with a rough topic. Looking into it, this episode dealt with the topic of loss, and how we can best deal with it through the memories spent with the person or the thing. Granted, the episode didnt say it directly, but it is implied. I mean, lets take the thing that Twilight lost into account. In the season 4 finale, Tirek (The antagonist) blew Twilights house, which she has had since the pilot episode, INTO SMITHERENES!


Yeah, that didnt make Twilight very happy.


I mean, think about it. That library has been Twilights home and educational sancuary since day one. Whenever she had a breakdown, the Library was a place of comfort. Many adventures happened in that library. And then suddenly, in the blink of an eye, everything about that library went to ashes. I mean, WOW. Talk about a heavey loss.


Sorry, I got off topic. Twilight feels that her new castle, which is a replacement given by the Deus-Ex-Machibox, feels empty. So, to help her out, her friends decide to clean it up while she went to the spa and calmed down. With Spike keeping Twilight from coming home, the Mane 5 bring in stuff to make the castle more 'homey'. That means Rainbow Dashes trophies, Rarities drapes, Fluttershys animals, Applejacks hay (?), and Fluttershys animals. They realize quickly that those are things that comfort them, not necessarily Twilight, and will more than likely not make her happy at all. So, they clear everything out, and they are right back to square one. Spike comes by, tells them that they dun goofed, and the Mane 5 tell him that he needs to stall Twilight with the power of Sub-Plot! In the end, the Mane 5 decide to dig up the roots of the Library and hang it as a chandolier in the main council room. It is a very heartening scene as the Mane 5 explain to Twilight that the thing that makes p a house isn't the things inside it, but the memories that occur in it.


Ok, that took forever. THe visuals in the episode were great, the humor was spot on (most of the time). The Spike/ Twilight Sub-Plot was hilarious. From the now trending meme that is known as Twilights new Hair Style, to Bulk Biceps working at the spa (Fanfic writers, to your laptops!) it was just very funny. They sub-plot even managed to get heart felt moment as Twilight and Spike have a crying moment outside the destroyed Library. That scene makes me wonder, though. Wouldnt a construction crew remove the tree, since it just took up space in the middle of town? Well, the Mane 5 took it, so no more Zoning problems for the Mayor to worry about, I guess.


The main story itself was also pretty funny, with the mane 5 arguing amongst one another. Over all, an excellent episode, and one that I would say is a treasured one. Not an episode I would show people just now coming into the show, but for veterans, this is truly a golden episode. 6/6 stars, because it went the extra mile. Way to go, writers! Wait, what.... these are new writers? Well, they have started off on the right note! Well, guys, comment, subscribe to the blog, whatever. I love feedback, and I want to know what I should write next. Whether it is an episode, a fan work, or even a fanfiction, just comment. Each comment submitted will give this cat a watermelon.



Guys, this cat really wants to buy a Rainbow Dash plushie, but cant! In his world, Watermelons are currency. So, each comment given will get this cat one step closer to his plushie. HIS PLUSHIE, DARN IT! THINK OF THE KITTENS. And that is all for today. Oh, and before I forget!


I am starting up a Brony Skype Group! People should join and..... stuuuuuff. Ok, bye guys, and see you next time.


Juggerpony, out!


Check Out my Youtube channel: Juggerhawk B


Fanfiction: Juggerpony


Fimfiction: Working on it


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