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Wolfie's Rambles: All Nighter Style

Wolf Angel


'Ello my little brickwall and lurkers.


Wolfie here, talking about absolutely nothing--like always! Today's topics include: why I say hello to a brickwall (which will make me sound insane), my lurkerness (which will make me sound even more insane), and my christmas gifts for my mom. Oh, and I'll be showing off my Alicorn Amulet that I made Sunday. Yes, I actually went and made one. icon_awesomeface.gif


So, let the rambling begin!


~Why I say hello to a brickwall

"Brickwall" is my blog audience--A.K.A. no one. Because I like to think that no one reads these dumb things that I type~ But, I also say hi to lurkers, because I know there is usually someone out there who just likes to click/read ALL the new blog posts that people make. Or there are people who are just curious. You know, stuff like that.

But why do I like to think my audience is no one? Because that makes me feel better--or braver--about posting blog posts in the first place. Silly reason is probably silly, but yeah.

Also, it sometimes does feel like I am talking to a brickwall, due to the fact that I hardly ever get any type of notices--comments, brohoofs, whatever--from my blog posts (and no, I'm NOT complaining about that. In fact, I'd prefer to keep it that way. :v)



~My lurkerness

(This is kinda following along with the above topic.)

Along with liking the fact that I barely ever get notices from my blog posts, I also kinda like it that I don't receive very many notices for anything else throughout this forum; like for quotes, brohoofs, etc.

When I get a notice for something--be it for getting quoted, brohoofed, commented, etc.--I get tense, and feel like I got in trouble and I'm about to get yelled at by someone. I dunno, I just don't like it when the spotlight hits me. I don't like it when I get noticed by someone. It makes me flail about like a bloody fish.

....*flails* I'm a 95% lurker, and 5% post-and-runner. Pay no attention to me goddangit, I'm just a figment of your imagination! D:



~Gifts for my mom

Lately, my mom has been giftbombing me. Over the past... week, I think, my mom has gotten me the following gifts: She got me a blanket that has Rainbow Dash on it and says "20% Cooler", a Vinyl Scratch wallet and lunch box, two Princess Luna keyrings, a lot of MLP TCGs, and I apparently have two more gifts on the way in the mail. ._.


I wanted to give my mom something in return, so I decided to make her some MLP-themed word searches (she loves those things), and some custom MLP cards--because she now (sorta) collects the TCGs, too. I made her a custom card of her pony character, and she seemed to like it.

Soo, I decided I'd make some customs for her collection. Unfortunately, I was only able to make two (Derpy Hooves and Babs Seed) and I got stuck in a rut after that. So, now I'm thinking of making customs by scratch--I was thinking of making some cards based on items (alicorn amulet, smarty pants doll, tom the rock, the crystal heart, etc.) and maybe my own villain cards (since there is no blank villain card base I can use...) and things like that.


I dunno... *shrug* I just want to repay my mom's kindness. And this is the only way I know how...




Oh, if you wanted to see, here is a picture of the goodies she got me:





~Wolfie's homemade Alicorn Amulet!

So, I'm pretty sure just about everyone has seen the latest MLP episode. You know, the one where Trixie (ick) comes back, sporting a very very verrrry awesome Alicorn Amulet. Yeah, well, if you can't tell by now, I really really really REALLY love that amulet. So much so, that I actually made one for myself to wear. Literally.

Here's the picture:



Here's how I made it:

1. I googled vector images of the amulet first. There wasn't many at the time, so I printed out the best looking one that I could find. (Hey, that rhymed! xD)

2. I cut out the image, then taped it up so it wouldn't bend or be all... flimsy. (And so it wouldn't give my neck paper cuts.)

3. I then poked a hole on both wings, but they were too small, so my mom helped me make them a tad bigger.

4. And finally, I put a necklace chain through it (after my mom had found a small enough chain.)


And tadaaa! Wolfie now has herself a Alicorn Amulet! MWHAHAHAHAA--*coughs on Pepsi*



That's all for now~ Byyyyeee~



From your insane alicorn-loving lurker,


  • Brohoof 1


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