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santa doesnt get his items from wal-mart!



blog-0313830001356208947.jpgok, so i just opened up an early christmas present and it said it was from santa. it was diary of a wimpy kid, rodrick rules DVD.the funny thing is is that it had a walmart sticker on it. i told my mom that

me:theres a walmart sticker on it

mom:what about that?

me:its from santa. santa doesnt get his stuff from walmart!

mom:how do you know that?

me:well, i dont know, exactly!

our little chat.anyways, right now the DVD is in front of me cause im gonna play it after i use my nebulizer.

yeah i have asma. i start to wheeze easily, and the nebulizer is loud so i dont like to use it when im watching something, but when i am i just turn up the volume on my tv.


oh my god times 100 3 more days till christmas! squee!!???????


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