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Opinion on Hip-Hop compared to Rap



Actually, as we all know.

hip hop music is dead, sadly ;(


It was good while it lasted tho.

Anyway, from listening to hip hop and rap again. I just noticed this:


Hip-Hop is EXACTLY like Rap! Just slower beat, no basslines, and less lyrics w/ swearings/cussing.


Comparing them, only thing I found diff. is this:

  1. Hip-Hop is slow beat (95 to 110 bpm), while Rap isnt (110 bpm to 140 bpm)
  2. Rap has basslines, Hip-Hop doesnt, but some do. But if there are any, I couldn't fine one.
  3. Hip-Hop has less cussing/swearing in lyrics. While most rap does not.

If there any other differences you find ;) Just comment

And what do you think? Little bit of differences? Or a lot :P


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I didn't know there was such a huge difference between hip hop and rap, to be honest. Also, hip hop isn't dead. There are still some awesome stuff being produced :3

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Well I forgot who said it, I think it was Akon.

He said it around Feb. 2012, Hip Hop is dead.


My fav hip hop song was the remake of HURT by C-Note NeSmith

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