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Spring time

Princess Celestia


At the moment I'm pretty much off the web. As some may have seen in my profile, I run a pony, or rather better called a Equine Sanctuary. (It's not in the profile after edit) Where we take care of animals that might not have been allowed to live on without us. I can thank my regular work, that I even have time to sit at the computer/mobile. Where there is a constant waiting time to do certain jobs.

Now we have spring in my part of the world, that means enormous work in the sanctuary. This year I managed to get hold of more land (free to use), a huge area of meadows and fields, mixed with a little forest. A perfect place for the ponies to live a life as close to freedom as possible. They are allowed to live semi-free, but the area must of course be fenced off. That's where all the work will be needed now this spring. Right now the whole area is surrounded by fallen barbed wire, everything has to be removed. The wire is partially stuck in the ground after all these years, which is a huge job to tear everything up. After that, the forest must be cleared for new fencing, and new poles put up with new electic fencing wire. It's about 15km (564yd) And I will do the work all alone. Also an old mine in the area needs to be fenced of. And a solution to take water from the waterfilled mine for the horses, needs to be built too.

I do all this when my regular work day is done, on weekends, at times I'm on stand-by duty for my regular job too. So it's hard to be active and keep up with everything that's happening here, unfortunately.

Added to the building of the "new" area I also need to care for the place where the animals live today. Feeding, cleaning, fixing with farm equipment and machines.

Why am I doing this? I love animals and horses have been my passion all my life. Being able to help animals and see them happy in their free environment is absolutely fantastic. After all, ponies/horses are animals that cope perfectly well without people in a wild environment. Being able to give them that opportunity and see them interact in a natural herd is worth every bit of all the hard work.

  • Brohoof 2


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