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Good weekend of goodness :)



I apologize in advance for such a long post! I'm gonna post a Tl;DR below



Well My weekend started off ok with the usual hanging around my house and playing x-box.

Y know that 'normal' stuff.


Well, I get a call from my friend Eric. He asked me if i wanted to go to concert for some local metal band.

I can't remember the name of the band for the life of me which really sucks 'cause they were actually pretty good.

Turns out michael and his girlfrend Kirsten show up. Along with Alex.

Soo we're chilling at a table in this bar just shooting the shit having a few drinks and listening to this band play. After about 2 hours of this or so we were getting to be the rowdy bunch. Fucking around with the pool table and the usual drunken loudness and stupidity.


Next thing we know the band gets off stage. We're getting ready to call a cab.

Michael asks If we wanted to take the train to his town to go watch Monty pythons Holy Trinity.

Now mind you sober this is a tantalizing idea, But after about 6 beers it sounds amazing.


So here we are on the train at 11pm Pretty fucking buzzed and still drinking.

Chillin in our seats talking about random shit like 'Who would you rather bang?' or 'Who would win in a fight?'


So we finally get to our stop we get off and make our way over to Michael's house.

We're still laughing having a good time and Lo' and Behold we can't find the friggin dvd. So basically we get to wander around his house drunk and laughing our asses off trying to find it.

We couldn't find it the first go 'round, so we decided to watch hangover 1&2. We're staring to mellow out at this point and we look at the time. 2:30 am. So as it goes with us being idiots we deiced to go and drink more. This Time alot more. Im talking Two bottles of jack between the 5 of us.

So here we are drinking jack and coke and y'know what.. We find The dvd we had been searching for. So we put this fucker in. We're all Basically in a blackout but from the few broken memories I have of after the first couple drinks. We were Almost pissing ourselves laughing. At the slightest thing.


Next day I get up. its 1 in the afternoon. Hungover I check my wallet.. and fuckmyfacefantastic! I still have 20 euros. Breakfast here I come i get the other people off their asses and we put together had around 35 euros. We walk our asses down to the bakerei (bakery). Espesso time! and Cake! Around 20 euros spent we get coffe and shit to eat go back to Michael's house. To assess the damage.

As it turns out Everything went way better than expected everybody still had all their shit.

Hallelujah! I's a Christmas miracle tommy!


So were all hanging out doing our thing playing Xbox and the like. Well, Time to go catch the train. get back to my town. Go home guess what! Tickets to asking alexandra on the 2nd!! Boo ya bitches!! at this point im fuckin ecstatic. Not only did i have a great time last night but i get to go and do it over next weekend!!





Got to party all night! Didn't lose anything partying and Got tickets to a concert I was certain I wasn't going to.


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