Rant Time #2!
Oh look, a poll!
5 users have voted
1. So, is Wolfie right, or is Wolfie right?
Yes, alicorns are A-okay in my book!0
No, alicorns are bad and you should feel bad for having one!0
I don't really like alicorns, but don't care if people have them.3
I don't really care at all.1
...I don't even know how I got here.0
-insert groans, facepalms, and complaining from the audience here-
So right now I have a splitting headache, and I'm in a ranty mood. So I feel I should rant about something stupid before my ranty mood turns into a bad mood and I snap off at someone. (Which I'll probably end up doing right here in this rant. Ooops~)
Today I'll be ranting about alicorns.
I actually had a novel of an essay written about this subject, but then I said "fuck it" and decided to just make this all short (or at least I hope to make it somewhat short) and just wing-it. Because I honestly really shouldn't be letting this topic piss me off so much.
And why does it piss me off?
Because many a month ago (in May), some little idiot verbally set my ass aflame because my ponysona is--OMG--an alicorn. =_=;
So this topic is personal. And not just because someone bit my head off, but also because this is the single most IDIOTIC ideology that I have ever come across.
So let me bust some of the most pettish "complaints" about alicorns into pieces, so I can get this bloody rant over with already.
"Alicorns are supposed to be rare and unique!!1! You shouldn't make one, as it makes them less rare!"
Except alicorns aren't rare and unique. In the show itself, there are already over 100 alicorns (Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Chrysalis, and her Changeling army {which actually probably number in the thousands, but I used 100 because it's smaller and I suck at math~}) So don't give me that BS. You could say the same about zebras, considering there is only ONE so far in-show. But have you ever seen someone get hell over having a zebra OC? Wolfie thinks not.
"Alicorn OCs are always overpowered BAAAWWW!1! Or they're always royal! WAAAH!"
And? So what? I mean, I can see that being a slight problem for you RPers out there. But then, you can always, oh I dunno, not allow those kinds of OCs into your RPs. Or is that too much work?
But other than that, I see no problem. Did you know there are royal/overpowered OCs out there that are NOT alicorns? Yeah, they exist. And honestly, I've seen more of those kinds of OCs than the alicorn ones. You wouldn't believe all the unicorn princesses or uber strong earth ponies I've seen. xD
And what is so bloody wrong with wanting to be a princess/queen and/or a prince/king, anyways? O_o Or wanting to have so many powers that you are practically a god? The way I see it, if you want to do any of that, then have at it hoss.
Let your imagination go crazy.
"People who create alicorn OCs are just trying to be speecial snowflakeies!1!"
...Yeah, I'm still not seeing a problem here. I didn't know that was such a bad thing.
Did you know? Sometimes feeling special can cheer up a person, maybe even make them feel a little bit better about themselves. Oh but no, that isn't allowed; how dare you feel good about yourself!
Now, there is always the risk of someone getting a big head over feeling special, but that happens less than you think (surprisingly enough!)
Oh, and for the record, if anyone has an OC--be it an earth pony, unicorn, pegasus, zebra, mule, changeling, WHATEVER--you are automatically a special snowflake. And no, that is not a bad thing.
You see, by creating a pony OC--or pretty much any type of OC (not just pony)--you are trying to be apart of that world. Even if you create your own world within the universe, you are still trying to be apart of it. Trying to be, in a sense, special. And there is nothing wrong it.
So, to anyone who has any kind of OC, congrats, you're special in your own unique way.
Remember this my little alicorn haters; your glass house is just as easy to break as mine is.
And don't cry "love and tolerance". I don't really follow that motto. And if I did, this would be one of the many exemptions to that rule, because in my eyes, anyone who follows this ideology does not deserve it.
The idea to hate on someone's own personal alicorn characters based on these baseless complaints is the most idiotic, petty, insolent mindset I have ever come across.
It is a fucking fake mythological breed of horse who--god forbid--happens to have a bloody horn and two bloody wings.
And I know all this just makes me as petty as the people I'm getting butthurt at, but I honestly stopped giving a fluff forever ago. If people are going to hate me, or anyone else, for a fake breed of horse, then I'll be hateful right back~ After all, hate is what makes the world go round~!
This ideology is bad and you should feel bad! *flips all the tables* BROOKLYN RAAAEGGG!!
So, that is all. Thank. Luna.
Now I'm going to drink some meds, because my headache has gotten worse over the course of me typing up this dumb thing.
Bye. x_x
From your headache-induced alicorn-loving lurker,
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