Princess Cadance
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Alicorn Pony -
Adult -
Female -
Crystal Empire -
Canterlot -
Princess and Protector, wife and mother -
Character Images
Physical Description
Cadance has a light rose color, close to that of Pinkie Pie, except for a gradient on her wingtips to light purple. She has a long, lithe body with lengthy legs. Cadance's mane and tail are both worn long and flowing, with three streaks of color through them: purple, magenta and yellow. Overall, her hair has a lot of body and curl to it. The magenta of her hair closely matches her eye color. Her eyes are brightly colored, and usually completely open, giving her an innocent look. Cadance's nose is more squared than most ponies except for the elder princesses, who share the same facial shape. She has an elongated horn, proportionally longer than most unicorns that glows a pretty light blue color when she is casting magic. She is often seen with her princess regalia: a simple golden crown with a purple gem atop it, golden ornamental horseshoes and necklace add to her beauty, rather than detracting from her simple elegance. She has a radiant smile that can light up a room.
As a foal, pegasus Cadance was found in the woods near an Earth Pony village. In this village, all of the ponies cared deeply for one another, and they decided to take Cadance in as their own. Cadance thrived in this caring environment. However, a nearby enchantress by the name of Prismia, one with a particularly powerful necklace became jealous of the small town. She attempted to wreak havoc on the town. However, Cadance approached Prismia. Unable to talk her around, Cadance used her compassion, which amplified the necklace's power, breaking the power the necklace held of Prismia. Cadance was transported to another realm, where Princess Celestia waited for her. Similar to that which was seen when Twilight Sparkle became a princess, she was shown snippets of herself at her best, her most caring. She had mastered her talent of love. When Cadance was returned from the alternate realm, she found she had grown wings, and was marginally taller than she previously had been. Celestia had summoned Cadance to Canterlot to be brought up as her royal niece
Cadance began school at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. During that time, she began foalsitting for many of the castle's younger denizens. Her favorite foal to sit for was Twilight Sparkle. The two even had a song that they would sing, accompanied by dance moves: "Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybugs awake, Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" The two would romp and play. They had a very close relationship. At one point Twilight Sparkle witnessed the power of Cadance's abilities first hoof. While in Canterlot town proper, the two happened upon a young couple arguing at a restaurant. Cadance was able to use the power of her kindness and compassion again, this time to stop the argument, and make the couple remember why they loved each other so much in the first place. Not long after the couple was married. During this time, Twilight Sparkle also was accepted into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns as well, after hatching a baby dragon and getting her cutie mark. Cadance's heart almost burst with the affection and pride she felt for the little purple unicorn. However, due to the discrepancy in their years, they rarely passed. Soon after, Cadance graduated.
As much as she liked Twilight however, her life changed when she met Twilight's older brother, Shining Armor. He was tall and funny, if a bit awkward. She thought he was rather good looking as well, though she didn't admit that to herself until much later in life.
Cadance and Twilight Sparkle eventually grew apart. Not because of a falling out, but rather because they both became exceedingly busy. Cadance was seeing to her princessly duties and attending Canterlot Academy, Twilight with her involvement in the Royal Library. When Twilight was sent to Ponyville, the two of them had a small celebration, and hugged each other. However, they were destined to meet again soon
While Twilight Sparkle was away from Canterlot, Cadance became lonely. She didn't feel like a princess, she felt like she was an ornament, sitting on a throne and waving, but never actually doing anything. Celestia was quite busy, and upon Luna's return, so was Luna. She took solace in Shining Armor. The two began spending time together, mostly in passing. However, Cadance found herself more and more trying to memorize his schedule, to be in hallways he frequented. Finally, she decided it was best to approach him, and tell him how she felt. Shortly after the two started formally courting. Around the same time, Discord was freed. Shining Armor was assigned to a mission where he was able to thoroughly show his strategic and planning abilities. For his role, he was promoted to Captain of the Guard. While he was gone, Cadance was so worried about him she was almost mad with anxiety. Upon his return, the two decided to be married.
Not long after, Cadance and Shining Armor announced their plans to wed. Their plans were a little rushed though, because there was a threat made on Canterlot. It was decided that the royal wedding would happen as soon as possible to get the residents of Canterlot's minds off of the danger. Shortly before the wedding, and unbeknowst to anypony, Cadance was kidnapped. She was unceremoniously dumped into the caverns below Canterlot Castle, with her mind controlled bridesmaids as her guards. Her only company was when Queen Chrysalis would often show up, and mock her.
Cadance became deeply depressed while in the dungeon. She was dirty, worried about the residents of Canterlot and all of Equestria, and most of all, she missed Shining Armor dearly. During her trips to taunt Cadance, Chrysalis slow revealed her plans for Canterlot. In Cadance's guise, she would sap the love of all of the ponies in Canterlot, which she would feed to her Changelings. No matter how she tried to escape however, she could find no way out. She became more dirty, more downtrodden, and more worried.
Finally, the day of her wedding arrived (at least that's what she guessed, since she had no way to telling time). Cadance had all but given up. She couldn't find a way out, and if none of her friends knew she was down here, her hope of rescue was all but nonexistent. However, she heard her own voice: Chrysalis was clearly mocking someone, and this time it wasn't aimed at her. Then, one of the walls of the cavern was shattered, and she was tackled by the pony she least expected to see, the pony she used to foalsit for, Twilight Sparkle. Cowering beneath Twilight, she begged not to be hurt. At first she was unable to convince Twilight that she too was a captive, however once she repeated their old nursery rhyme, Twilight began to believe her. After a heartwarming hug, the two got down to business: escaping their prison. With the new hole in the cavern that Twilight had created, they were able to do just that. After a rousing song, and an even more rousing escape, the two were able to make their way to the throne room, where Princess Celestia was about to marry the Chrysalis and Shining Armor.
After a brief brag about her plans to everyone, Princess Celestia challenged Chrysalis, and was promptly defeated. Celestia told the Mane 6 to retrieve the elements of Harmony, however the changelings promptly stopped them. Celestia was encased in a pod of nasty green changeling stuff. It looked like all was lost. The changelings were able to break the protection spell Shining Armor had been maintaining. Chrysalis directed her minions to feed on the subjects of Canterlot, and had a reprise about her seeming success.
Cadance made her way towards the dais where Shining Armor was entranced. Although he was clearly still under Chrysalis's spell, she hugged him, shedding a tear for her love. Her love was able to break the spell on Shining Armor, however Chyrsalis had sapped so much of his power that he was unable to perform magic. Stepping into an embrace, Cadance told Shining Armor that her love would give him strength. Cadance and Shining Armor's magics' combined were able to repel the changelings and Queen Chrysalis from Canterlot, expelling them completely from Canterlot, and perhaps from Equestria altogether. Promptly thereafter the real wedding was able to take place. It was the happiest day of Cadance's life, as she not only married her best friend, but also gained a wonderful family as well.
Cadance thrived in her post-wedding bliss. However even with Chrysalis defeated, all was not well. The Crystal Empire had returned after 1000 years of absence after it had been cursed by King Sombra. Cadance and Shining Armor were sent there to protect the Chrystal Empire, for they feared a strike from Sombra again. They also requested backup, which arrived in the form of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. When Shining Armor went to pick them up from the train, Sombra was able to curse him, making Shining's magic unusable. The strain of protecting the empire with her love was wearing on Cadance. It was visible on her face. She looked tired and worn, and wasn't eating.
Twilight and her friends were able to verify that the Crystal Ponies seemed to have "collective amnesia". After finding a book on the history of the Crystal Empire, the girls were able to figure out that the best chance to save the Crystal Ponies and their empire was to hold a Crystal Faire. It was held to "renew the spirit of unity and love in the empire". The love and unity felt was able to defend the empire from outside influences. The Faire was assembled, and while they were trying to make it as accurate as possible, it was difficult to do from a book, especially because the Crystal Ponies themselves couldn't remember the faire either. Twilight Sparkle even tried to erect a Crystal Heart out of a crystal block.
The announcement of the faire was made, and while it brought some of the shine back to the ponies' coats, but some their memories still seemed to be missing. They were also missing their signature sparkle. However, the library minder was able to tell Rainbow Dash that the love and unity felt was what powered the Crystal Heart, which was what protected the empire, and that King Sombra had taken it. The real Crystal Heart needed to be recovered. At that point, Cadance collapsed from exhaustion which dropped her spell which had been protecting the empire from Sombra. A quick embrace from Shining Armor was able to give her enough strength to start the spell again, however she was still exhausted, and the threat was becoming more and more likely, particularly because when Cadance reapplied the spell, it cut off the tip of Sombra's horn. He was now inside of the spell. Shining Armor wanted to try and recover the heart, but Twilight knew this was what Celestia had sent her to do: Recover the Crystal Heart. Meanwhile, the rest of the girls were trying to keep the Crystal Ponies happy, and ignorant of the fact that the true Crystal Heart was missing.
Taking a wild guess, Twilight Sparkle headed back towards the castle in her search for the missing Heart. Twilight was able to figure out that the castle wasn't as it was when Sombra Reigned. Solving a few puzzles, she was able to navigate Sombra's maze of tricks. Meanwhile the Crystal Ponies have figured out that the Crystal Heart on display is a fake, and with Cadance's love magic starting to give out, the threat of Sombra was becoming quite real. Sombra was able to trap Twilight when she became too eager to save the real Crystal Heart. Deciding that it was better that the Heart needed to get to Cadance as fast as possible, Spike scooped it up and was knocked from the top of the tower as Cadance's magic gives out. Then Shining Armor picked up Cadance and bodily threw her from the tower. She was able to catch up with Spike, saving him from becoming a meat waffle, and was able to slow the decent of the Crystal Heart with her magic.
Cadance landed gracefully atop the fake Crystal Heart, giving the Crystal Ponies an inspirational speech to use their love to protect the Empire from King Sombra. They declared her the Crystal Princess, regaining the full sheen of their coats and manes, as well as transforming Cadance and the gang into Crystal Ponies for a short time as well, and defeating Sombra and returning the memories of the Crystal Ponies all at the same time.
Once the Crystal Empire was saved, Cadance and Shining Armor moved into the Crystal Kingdom. In honor of its return, the Empire is considered to host the Equestria Games. When Twilight and her friends arrived to help support the Empire and act as the welcoming committee, the Crystal Ponies are shining the Empire from top to bottom. Cadance was waiting for them at a spa, telling the girls that everything in the spa is complimentary (after reciting Sunshine Sunshine). When Twilight started to get nervous, Cadance taught Twilight her signature relaxing breathing technique. She told the girls to enjoy themselves while Cadance herself donned her ceremonial headdress. The ceremonial headdress was from ancient times when the ruler of the Crystal Empire "wove crystals into their mane in a very specific way", and was meant to impress the Games Inspector with Cadance's knowledge of the traditions of the Empire, and to "reflect the importance of her visit". However the mane specialist was unable to make it. Cadance again used her breathing technique to calm herself and think through a solution to the problem. Rarity volunteers to try. Then it is found out that the Games Inspector, Ms. Harshwinny was to arrive early. The girls minus Rarity rushed to the train station to greet her.
Princess Cadance was in attendance for Twilight's coronation. Cadance almost burst with pride and happiness. She offered to mentor Twilight Sparkle as she navigate the beginning of her role as princess. However, given the distance between the two, fulfilling that offer became difficult. Finally Twilight grew tired of waiting for their two paths to cross, and invited Cadance for a day in Ponyville, which Cadance graciously accepted.
Upon arriving in Ponyville, Cadance and Twilight decided to go to the Starswirl the Bearded Traveling Museum. However their part of two was crashed with the arrival of Discord, who had the Blue Flu. He promptly invited himself to stay at Twilight's home, and after a few minor requests, told the princesses that he need a flower to cure it. Not just any flower either, but a specific flower, one that grew at the very edge of Equestria, and that they would need to get to the flower at the exact right time of day in order to brew the tincture he needed to make himself better. Too unhealthy to travel, Twilight and Cadance pulled what appeared to be a flying throne to where the flower grew. When they arrived, however they found the flower to be much larger than expected. When the two ponies tried to uproot the flower, they found underneath it a Tatzlworm, which promptly attacked them. After a legendary dual Alicorn fight, they were able to re-trap the worm in its lair, under where the flower had been.
When they brought the flower back to Discord, they found out that he wasn't actually sick, but rather wanted to test his friendship with Twilight. While initially annoyed, Cadance dismissed it, telling Twilight that she had enjoyed the day, and that their adventure while unexpected had been quite fun, considering how repetitive and sometimes boring life as a princess could be in the Crystal Empire. Cadance left for home, feeling much closer to her sister-in-law than she had when she arrived.
When the Equestria Games arrived, they are held in the Crystal Empire as promised by the Games Inspector, Ms. Harshwinny. Cadance acted as host for the games, and after Spike had saved the Empire a second time by not allowing a frozen cloud to topple on the arena, Cadance offered to allow him to light the fireworks for the closing ceremonies for the games. This restored Spike's confidence in himself after two very embarrassing mishaps, showing again Cadance's affinity to read other's emotions correctly.
Upon the visit of dignitaries from Maretonia, Twilight Sparkle and her friends returned to the Crystal Empire. Twilight felt as though her role wasn’t important, and that she was only a princess in title. Bringing her concerns to the other three princesses, they did their best to encourage her, however she still felt down. After a briefing about the escape of Tirek from Tartarus, Twilight was ready to go hunt him down. However, Celestia decided that Discord should go. Twilight felt even more useless and slightly betrayed. However, Tirek quickly persuaded Discord that the Princesses were using him, giving Discord a token of trust, his brother’s medallion, and said that his efforts would be better recognized if Discord were to turn against them.
Tirek began stealing power from all of the ponies in Equestria. Fearing that they were next, Celestia, Luna and Cadance all gave their magic over to Twilight, as Tirek didn’t seem to know about her yet. This drained the princesses of their power completely. They became feeble and all but useless. After turning their special objects into keys, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were ready to open a box that was found at the base of the Tree of Harmony when the Elements were returned to it.
However Twilight’s key still seemed to be missing. After an epic fight with Tirek, in which Twilight library was smashed, he was able to capture Twilight friends. He promised to return them if she gave over her magic to him. Tirek released Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Spike, however Tirek still had Discord in his power. Twilight demanded all of her friends back, which included Discord. He released Discord, and after absorbing Twilight’s magic, Tirek became all-powerful. After Twilight had shown Discord such kindness, he gave her the medallion Tirek had given him as a sign of true friendship. Having finally gotten her item that would turn into a key, they all returned to the chest, and promptly opened it. The Tree of Harmony received the power it needed to defeat Tirek. With rainbowfied manes and tails in tact, the girls were able to defeat Tirek with the power of friendship. They were able to send Tirek back to Tartarus, which was able to return the magic, strength and flight back to all the other ponies in Equestria. In the town of Ponyville from the ground grew Twilight’s castle, with thrones for each of her friends. Twilight finally knew what she was meant to do: Spread friendship across Equestria.
Spike saved the Equestria Games, and the Crystal Empire again, and there was much rejoicing.
Key Moments
Cadance's key moments can be seen more when she isn't the center of attention. She shows more of her personality, which is kind, playful, and range from frenetic to calm and diplomatic. Initially she is clearly more comfortable as the leader of a people than she is as a mother, though she quickly grows into the role. She loves deeply, and isn't afraid to show it to those around her, and that is much more easily seen when she is interacting with others calmly than when she is heroically saving the world.
Cadance is the pure embodiment of love. She is kind and caring, and has been shown to be since she was a young Alicorn. Even with her title of Ruler of the Crystal Empire, she remains calm and genuine. She does not put much stock into formalities, and will often ask others to do so. So much so that she asked Princess Celestia not to use her full name of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza during her own wedding, preferring the simple moniker of Princess Cadance. She also shows a deep caring for her family. Often Cadance will go out of her way to make the lives of ponies around her better, seen when she uses her magic to stop a couple from fighting in a flashback. This is clearly prevalent however when she is willing to exhaust herself to try and save the Crystal Empire from Sombra, and again when she is willing to give up her magic to save Equestria from Tirek.
While Cadance takes her role as princess and ruler very seriously, she also can be seen occasionally with a more playful side. This can be seen before her wedding, when she stuffs her mouth with sweets, and dances with Pinkie Pie during the preparations. Later she bows jokingly towards Twilight Sparkle. When she mentioned that being attacked by the Tatzlworm was preferable to a day at a museum, as she found the life of being a ruler could get dull. Her casual nature often put others at ease. She is quite diplomatic when she talks, walking the thin line between tactfulness and while at the same line still being candidly honest. In Cadance's eyes, not everything has to be perfect. She is willing to accept that as long as other ponies try their hardest, that's enough for her. She doesn't see herself as any more important than anypony else, and is able to interact with others on a personal level, while still maintaining the leadership skill required of her.
Until the events of the Crystal Empire, Cadance's cutie mark was something of a mystery. However, after the Crystal Heart was saved, it became very clear that the Empire was where Cadance was meant to be. Her caring and compassionate nature adds protection to the Crystal Empire, as they are able to stay safe by means of adding love to the Heart, which manifests itself into a shield for the Empire. Thus her being who she is allows her to fulfill her destiny as princess and a protector of her people.
Her family, the crystal ponies, adventures -
The mundanity of running a palace day to day, mushrooms -
Magic Spells
Barrier in a bubble around herself and a small groupd nearby -
Love strong enough to break enchantments -
Flurryheart, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash -
Sombra, Crysallis,
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