Ray Strike
6 -
Last visited
Unicorn Pony -
33 -
Male -
Ponyville -
Appleloosa -
Investigator, Federal Agent, Part-Time Musician, Handyman, And Carpenter -
Character Images
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Physical Description
Ray's mane and tail are of blue and grey, whereas his body is dark greenish blueish and his eyes are blue.
The reason why some parts of his hair have grey is due to genetics.
In Ray's own words...
I was born in Appleloosa years ago. My parents are hard-working ranchers, and they're trying to live their best life for me, and they show how much they care for me. When I was 6, after we lost the ranch, my parents and I moved to Ponyville to try to get a better jobs, and they enrolled me to Ponyville Schoolhouse. I miss my old friends back in Appleloosa, and to be honest, I'm kinda shy, especially in Ponyville and at school, and I don't talk much nor do I have a heart to play some games with them.
But one day, my stomach is hurting and I become really sick. I was so sick that it ended up sending me to the hospital. It turns out to be some infection in my stomach and chances are 44.6% I might pull through the surgery but some kids from school and even my teacher visited me, showed me how much they care for me, even if I'm bashful. Long story short, I did get pull through the surgery and I soon started to feel better. It was then I realized friendships are really really important. So I became happy, and I made some good friends.
As I grew up, I became acquainted with The Mane Six. I met Twilight after I decided to enroll magic school when I was 16. I'll be honest, she seems really awesome and incredibly nice pony I ever met. I came to knew Applejack, and Big Mac and their family after I went to the school with AJ and Big Mac and did some chores for them since I figured I could help every-pony out, and as for Pinkie Pie, well, I met her after I went to The Cakes' shop to find some sweets to eat for my 9th birthday and there she was, bouncing around happily. Pinkie's energetic and fun and of course, at times, strange but she just wanted to make everyone smile, including me. And Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, I met them after I stood up for Fluttershy and RD to bullies. And I knew Rarity when I tried to find a badflank suit for my 11th birthday. And I came to know Spike and Starlight Glimmer after they moved to Ponyville and everypony else in Ponyville. We became friends very quickly and they're nice and forgiving enough.
I became a investigator and federal agent after I turned 23 and during that time, I started taking up several interests and stuff such as doing some karate & working out, fixing stuff, writing stories for my own, playing guitar part-time, and watching classic movies I like.
And as for my love life? Well, truth to be told, I have zero interest in dating and/or marrying somepony, and I have better things to do other than romance. I mean I don't hate romance at all, it's just dating somepony or getting married isn't for me and I would be weird to date one of my friends so I chose to stay single and I chose to being in a platonic relationship with somepony.
I still kept in touch with my friends at Appleloosa and at Ponyville, even we became adults and my Appleloosa friends would still occasionally visit me and my parents and met my new friends, and I still met The Mane Gang to this day.
By the way, I don't mean to brag but I'm skilled at karate, martial arts, kung fu, hoof-to-hoof combat, Tae Kwon Do, kickboxing, MMA, wrestling, boxing, and self-defense fighting styles. Heh heh.
Right now, I'm 33 years old, I still live in Ponyville, and I currently work as a investigator, federal agent and part-time musician.
Ray is a kind, nice, chill, polite, sarcastic, funniest, and jokester pony everypony has ever met.
But honestly, never ever get on Ray's bad side.
Spoilerthreatening his friends and family and innocent ponies and creatures and insulting his tastes in a bad way is the bad idea.
He had some bad temper and in some EXTREMELY rare cases, he might have to resort to violence. And don't even think about threatening Equestria and his friends and family. And if the situation gets worse and worse, all heck might break loose.
His parents still lives in Ponyville, about 12 blocks away from their only child's home and Ray would occasionally visit them several times.
Currently, Ray is single, and have no kids, and prefers platonic relationship as he had no interest in getting into romantic relationship.
He also had his set of rules (kinda like some sort of a creed or something) that is inspired by a old wise man to live by.
Sometimes though, he would like to wander off to the cabin (located 26 miles away from his Ponyville residence) without anyone else knowing. He enjoys relaxation.
Heavy metal, country music, rock n roll, Tom Petty, Creedence Clearwater Revival, old movies, old technology, old vintage stuff, old music, heartland rock, Elvis, classic rock, karate, carpentry, fixing stuff, martial arts, MMA, boxing, wrestling, kickboxing, reading books, enjoys Ray Bradbury, Jack Reacher, Clive Cussler, Poe, and Harry Potter. -
Scary movies, seafood, jumpscares, and horror games
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