Lobu of Nordulven
4 -
Last visited
Emperor Azurailo
Species (Other)
Anthropomorphic Wusky (Wolf-Husky hybrid) -
19 -
Male -
Kronevarg Palace, Clicketon, Kingdom of Trailpin -
Kingdom of Trailpin -
Prince of Stalulv, future King Lobu VI of Trailpin -
Character Images
Physical Description
Lobu has a familiar wolf face with ruby red eyes, pointy furred ears, two different tones of grey for his fur and a black nose.
His chest features a soft chest fluff which has the shape of a heart and his abdomen contains very soft unpronounced pecs. His arms are not very muscular but still contain some muscle mass. Then, we carry on with a white curly husky tail behind him and finish off with the legs on which no important comment is to be made out of mentioning they're canid legs and wolf hind paws. -
To understand this character better, you need to know a bit about his background: the Kingdom of Trailpin.
The Kingdom of Trailpin is a country situated an ocean apart from Equestria, where the continent it is in is populated by Anthro characters. Trailpin is located on the edge of this continent closest to Equestria - about one day away from it by sea.
Economically, the country is distinguished by the agriculture of a form of huckleberries that is very specific to the region, but also at the industrial level, thanks to great expertise in terms of railway rolling stock. Their currency is the Trailpinian Lupin (TLP) and its inferior variant is the Tin. 10 Tins form 1 Lupin. Coins come in form of 1, 2, 5 Tins, 1 and 2 Lupins. Bank notes come in form of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 5000 Lupins.
Concerning the local culture, the country is quite hierarchized due to the lupine majority of the population. The royal family is very, very precious to the Trailpinians. Moreover, the state religion is Ulvism. Of course, there is no religious discrimination here. But Ulvism practitioners consider their Royals to be direct descendants of Ulf, the deity of the country.
Unlike in our United Kingdom, where the monarchy is only a symbol of the unity of the country, the King has power even though he shares it with an assembly. The latter holds legislative power (thus deals with laws) and the King entirely holds executive power. (There are therefore no or few ministers in cabinet). -
Key Moments
Acquirement of a toy train for his third birthday.
Appointment as Colonel of the Prince's Guard by King Wolfgang III.
The Prince of Stalulv is very keen on discipline and professionalism. You'll rarely see him display affection in public. Not even a genuine smile. No joking, no laughing. Just a stern wusky taking the Crown's duties seriously. It is fair to say that the pressure of being the oncoming ruler of a country helps mould that strict personality. Behind the doors of his private apartments, though? This is something only those lucky enough to get on the other side know.
Trains, History, learning about foreign cultures, privacy, dignity. -
Disrespect, excessive selfishness, inappropriate behaviour in public.
Other Characters by this Player
- Emperor of Ferroviaria
- Inactive
- Player: Emperor Azurailo